is that a meme or did you accidentally butcher the term “ponzi scheme” which is something entirely different? not saying insurances aren’t often a scam. just a different kind.
is that a meme or did you accidentally butcher the term “ponzi scheme” which is something entirely different? not saying insurances aren’t often a scam. just a different kind.
Musk pretending he cares about rail while in reality his worst recurring night mare is him being in public transport with poor people. Classic.
It was when his (step)Mamaw got stuck in the washer that he truly learned he wasn’t gay.
The dumbest thing is the mentality between workers sometimes. “Don’t be a pussy” some will say when you ask for masks/goggles/ear plugs/etc but none of them will be there when you eventually get injured or sick. None of them will congratulate you, hand you a tough-guy-trophy and pay your medical bills + pension.
Alright how about this: mandatory health insurance for pets. This could have multiple positive effects. People wouldn’t carelessly get pets without considering the costs as often. Any insurance would ask for very high rates for any of the incredibly defective breeds people keep buying. I know people find that flat faced pug funny/cute but they literally can’t breathe ffs. This might lead to less demand and less breeding. Vets and their customers wouldn’t have to worry about costs so much which would take a lot of the stress out and make many currently difficult decisions a lot easier. As a responsible per owner you have these costs either way.
I don’t even have a child. If I were to end someone else’s spawn would that count as -1 child for my footprint or theirs? Just asking out of curiosity…of a friend…an acquaintance really.
I beg to differ. In a mad maxian wasteland the child would still burn a lot of gasoline. Witness them.
Oh you rascal, you know we can’t stay mad at you.
Username checks out. Didn’t mean to offend your people. At least you suck blood for nourishment and not just for fun.
The vampires of the Nestlé board don’t like being blinded by bright screens as they roam the night in search for the blood of the innocent.
I for one am ready for a public servant AI that gives you form Y34-b and sends you to another AI that then tells you it should’ve been form Y34-a and only the third AI can fix it but they’re currently on vacation so you’ll have to comeback another time on a Monday or Wednesday between 10:00 and 10:30am.
They store unencrypted passwords in the year of our lord 2023? Be this real?
It’s really hard to predict the future but we know for sure that it’ll cause a great deal of suffering. Certain areas will become less or completely unhabitable and the people occupying them won’t just lay down and die. It’s very likely that conflicts over things like drinking water will escalate into wars, increasing the casualties and suffering but humanity will go on. At least we get to live in the end times of the fuck around era. Next generations are slipping straight into the find out fun times.
Is there a donotstickyourdickinthat community yet?
In the year 2100 or 2200 the internet as we know it may have been superceded by methodologies we can’t even comprehend right now.
It’s gonna be fax machines again, isn’t it?
Hold up, bear with me here, what if, ULTIMATE FIGHTING SUBS! Two billionaires have to build and pilot their own submarines to fight to the death in front of the titanic.
I’ve been around for a while and there are plenty of IT Jobs that’ll burn you out but there are also super chill positions. My last job change was a downgrade money wise and my boss who I was supposed to replace soon made fun of me for that decision but he missed his daughter growing up because he was working 24/7. She’s an alcoholic now and doesn’t want anything to do with him but “if you want to succeed you have to make sacrifices” he always said. The guy next door to my office literally died in his sleep after being completely stressed out for a year. Heart just stopped. Mid fifties. I quit shortly after. I now only take jobs that are chill as fuck because I’ve learned from their mistakes.
failing to get a job eventually from having a stale resume.
People have been saying this but I have yet to encounter such issues as a network engineer or sysadmin. I’m going to dodge this recruiting hell others are willing to go through until the day I die. More than 2 rounds of interviews are just HR buffoonery. Expecting expertise in every single branch of a field is nonsense and only accomplishes that applicants lie on their resumes. There are days when everything is running smoothly and all I have to do is sent 3 emails out of home office and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Ah, the “if we don’t do it someone else will”-defense. A classic.