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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • The whole social aspect of Venmo is one of the stupidest things to have ever been created. I use Venmo because it’s the most widely used platform, but all of my transactions are private.

    Do people even scroll through the public feed of their friends? Why does anyone care that their friend paid another friend (who they likely don’t even know) $10 for a burger and fries? So fucking dumb.

  • It goes much deeper than just coffee shops and other public wifi. There are people in oppressive countries that have to use VPNs to get around their country-wide bans of certain sites, such as anything that provides access to information. Reddit used to be a sanction for tons of information sharing. But now, with Reddit going public, they have to appeal to their shareholders, who probably have business or other deals in those oppressive countries. So, even if Reddit is simply trying to force users to be trackable, it still behooves the shareholders to make information and knowledge more difficult to access to certain people.

  • Don’t use GoDaddy though. I was searching for a domain on that site and after a few minutes it was taken.

    There are reasons to avoid GoDaddy, but what you experienced isn’t really a GoDaddy-specific problem. If a domain gets registered on one provider, it will be unavailable on all providers. Unless you are accusing them of falsely saying they were taken but are available for purchase at a premium. I don’t think I’ve heard of them doing that, but who knows what kind of greedy tactics corporations will try these days.

  • Usually, people who speak out against teaching kids about gender typically have a religious agenda. I apologize for making that assumption about you.

    However, I do think it’s important to teach kids about what it means to be human and that nothing is ever exactly one way or the other. Most things in this universe operate on a spectrum. Nobody is “chest-thumping about trans stuff”. As I mentioned in my previous message, most people are just trying to teach kids about loving and caring for everyone and that it’s okay to be different.

    It shouldnt be “normalized” since it really isnt.

    And why should trans people not be normalized? If we only operated based on “this is wrong because it’s different”, then we would still believe that the Earth is flat, the Sun revolves around us, women shouldn’t vote, and white people have a god-given right to own slaves. The point is “It isn’t normal” is not a good excuse. Anything can be normalized.

    I think having that kind of mindset is based purely on fear of the unknown. A good education where we learn about other people and other cultures would vastly improve how we think about those around us.