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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Yeah, I am comparing linear distance to surface area, but if we call that 66 mile distance a diameter, were talking about roughly 3500 sq miles…which is a rounding error compared to the vastness of the south china sea.

    The south china sea is longer than it is wide, but even at its narrowest width between Phillipines and Vietnam, it’s over 550 miles across. That’s just incomparable to the distance between Florida and Cuba. Anything between Florida and Cuba is figuratively parked right in USA’s backyard.

    I legit tried to find the exact location of this latest aerial encounter between China fighter pilot and allied forces aircraft (because you’re right, that’s relevant) but couldn’t find it…the info must either be classified or intentionally censored.

  • This doesn’t invalidate my earlier statement that citizens are still subject to city ordinances.

    There are around 20,000 cities and municipalities in the United States, most of them have public-nudity/indecent-exposure laws.

    You successfully made the point that the legality of city ordinances can be challenged in higher courts (and even sometimes overturned) but the reality is that most people have neither the funding nor the time nor the expertise to take that up…which means ultimately you’re still subject to a city/municipality ordinances as well as state and federal.

    In 2017, Tagami v City of Chicago, the US Court of appeals for 7th Circuit ruled 2-1 that the city’s public nudity ordinance did not violate the complainant’s rights and upheld the lower court decisions (which meant that City of Chicago’s ordinance remained intact and validated as enforceable by the city).

    At the end of the day, yes you do have to be cognizant of the ordinances/codes of the city in question and cannot rely on State/Federal law alone.

  • Putting a Netflix show on DVD and selling it is absolutely illegal unless they have a distribution license provided by the copyright holder.

    It would be legal after copyright expires (in the US, copyright exists for the lifespan of the author/creator + 70 years). Keep in mind that the US has stricter copyright laws than most of the rest of the world.

    For other items, like physical functional items, reproductions are generally legal unless the item is patented. And it would still not be legal for the reproduction to also reproduce any registered names or trademarks associated with the original. Example: you could legally reproduce and sell knockoff Nike Air Jordans as long as you didn’t use the Nike swoosh or any likenesses of the copyrighted artwork. For items that are patented, or patent pending - making and selling reproductions is illegal - and for most patented items the reproduction doesn’t even have to be identical for it to be infringing, just replicating the functionality is probably infringing.

  • It depends entirely on the jurisdiction. Take the city of Seattle, for example (I know this because I planned an executed a nude photo shoot in public view inside the city limits and sought legal council ahead of time to ensure I wan’t risking being charged with any crimes). The general rule for Seattle hinges on whether the activity is intended to tittilate or sexually arouse observers - and if that is obviously not the intent, then even full nudity is not illegal. Many other large cities have very similar ordinances.

    The smaller the town, and the more conservative the region, the stricter and less flexible the ordinances. There are beaches in South Carolina, for example, where they even regulate the minimum amount of coverage for bikinis and beachware.

  • She wouldn’t have been any better than drumpf

    Hard disagree.

    Most likely, Hillary just wouldn’t have accomplished much of anything (and not so much for lack of agenda or effort but because of the unprecedented amount of rightwing/conservative resistance put up for everything she would have attempted. But at worst, it would just have been business as usual for another 4 years. Trump has actually turned the country, the executive branch, the judicial branch, national safety, the economy, and the environment into a continent-sized dumpster fire that will burn for decades. Hillary wouldn’t have done that.

    Hillary’s greatest sin was coming into the 2016 election as if she’d already won…as if she -deserved- to win…as if it was pre-ordained…and that really rubbed people the wrong way. Being a woman didn’t help - half this country are a few IQ points away from neanderthals who don’t believe women are capable of leading a nation, so that didn’t help either.

    The democratic party also deserves much of the blame- they were going to shit on Bernie and promote Hillary regardless of what the common voters wanted…because they had the power to do that and they were willing to exercise that power. So fuck them too.

    (if it’s not obvious, I thought Bernie was the clear superior choice also)

  • If your chosen mobile app doesn’t offer the feature, then you can’t. Every app that does offer the feature does it differently, so it’s impossible for me to give you a single guidance that works on every mobile app.

    I assume you do have access to a web browser on mobile though, so open your web browser, navigate to the instance hosting the community and/or your own home instance, and then depending on the layout used by your device the modlog will be a clickable link in the sidebar to the right, or will appear as a link near the bottom of the page after scrolling to the bottom.

  • Yes, and even more chance of that happening today than 5 years ago. Reason: because of the modern day prevalence of the ‘fake reply’ SPAM and Phishing emails. Spammers and phishers are now drafting fresh messages mocked up to look like replies in existing email threads…older spam detection used to let these types of messages slip through because they thought they must be legitimate replies, and so naturally spammers started exploiting that to slip past detection. Modern detection no longer gives apparant replies a free pass.

  • I must be completely “dull witted” then. When I first started looking into lemmy, I went to the official “join-lemmy.org” website, clicked on “join a server” and picked one of the top listed recommended results. It just happened to be a VERY small and VERY new instance. But as a completely stupid dull witted new user who knew literally nothing about lemmy, I didn’t know any better.

    After joining that instance and looking for communities on it, I only saw the local communities plus a few non local communities from larger instances and I legit thought that’s all there was on lemmy. I mean, it was clear I was seeing the local ones, and it was clear I was seeing some nonlocal ones, who why tf would I expect that I wasn’t seeing everything?

    Your perspective is tainted by the fact that you know how it all works. People new to lemmy don’t, and I’m telling you that the onboarding and community discovery process is dogshit. I beg you to try considering things from the perspective of a newer user.

  • I tried mutualaidhub.org - and found another one that is about 45 miles from me so I went to their site to check it out. From what I can tell, it’s nothing more than a hyper-localized version of gofundme.com. It seems most of these things are just links to facebook groups. I don’t think these things are as organized or as helpful as your original post made them out to be.

    Also, for the record, I’m not actually looking for assistance. I’ve honestly never heard of this thing until your post and just am trying to learn more about them, what they do, who and how they help, and maybe find something I could contribute. These things do not seem like a very viable alternative to traditional social services.