No nazis, no TERFs, no yimbies




  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • They serve vastly different purposes. Lemmy would be a terrible place for people to chat about how their days are going, which is a key part of what microblogging platforms provide to be honest. And conversely, for structured conversations focused on specific topics, Lemmy has obvious advantages.

    Beyond the basic structure, there are cultural issues with both that make them a bit tenuous for me.

  • So, the complicated bit about the fediverse is that there’s not one “the space”, there’s thousands of different spaces from which bad actors would need to be ejected. And, of course, not everyone will agree on who constitutes a bad actor, in fact there’s a huge range of different standards applied.

    This leads to a situation where you just find out one day that some of your fediverse neighbors/acquaintances are hanging out with the nazi you blocked years ago. The nazi was out of sight out of mind to you because you had already blocked them, but if they’re low-key and mostly post normal stuff, it’s easy for your more casual neighbors not to notice. Not saying the parties involved here are nazis per se, just as a for instance.

    The community uses the #fediblock hashtag to raise awareness of bad actors, primarily for the benefit of instance admins so they can update their block lists. There is a communal expectation that admins would be conversant with this.

    There are also tools like these to aggregate that information, but currently it’s hard to get much out of them in terms of complete and human-readable context. (They’re primarily designed as tools to support instance admins rather than individual users.)

    This whole thing is constantly happening on the fediverse and that part of the story would be completely unremarkable if the firefish dev wasn’t running a flagship instance and developing software.

    If, as an instance admin (who we know was even in the discord channel where the admins are discussing this stuff) wasn’t keeping up with fediblock, that’s a red flag for the instance. The fact that he was also (even accidentally) associating with far-right software dev people to host his code is also a red flag, because, why wouldn’t you do some due diligence about that? (This should be a familiar issue to developers in this space, because, alas, there are a lot of nazi/nazi-adjacent people developing software that uses activitypub!)

    Anyway, all of that doesn’t necessarily make the firefish dev a bad guy, it just makes him look kind of like inspector fucking clouseau, you know?

    If it’s true that he’s also doctoring screenshots to make another instance admin (who is a recognized leader in fediverse community moderation standards) look bad, then that elevates the issue A LOT, especially for someone who is trying to get a lot of folks to adopt his software.

  • Lol what does any of that wall of text have to do with “diversity.”

    There’s not much drama here tbh; “admin defederates a somewhat controversial instance and some people agree and some people don’t” is, as other commenters have said, very business as usual for the fediverse.

    I do think it’s natural in lemmy for people on other instances to have takes about defed calls because they may use communities on one of those two servers, or both, and be impacted as defederation splits the user bases. But it feels like most of the “drama” here is just free speech maximalist/libertarian trolling.

  • It’s going to be incredibly necessary in the long run. Decentralized means some proportion of important communities are going to be on servers that will eventually be shut down for various reasons. Not everybody who’s running an instance now will run it forever, but there may be communities with important conversations that folks will want to preserve.

    Mastodon has account migration and Lemmy community migration should work similarly.

  • Does it have to be calckey specifically? If not, ubiqueros is misskey and is hometown. is running normal Mastodon I think. Fediverse party lists (Mastodon) as Black-run. (Hometown) has strong antiracist moderation but I don’t know the composition of the mod team offhand

    I remember seeing a recently formed Black queer instance being posted about but I don’t remember the name, and of course because it’s Mastodon there’s not really a way to search for it 🙄 but I’ll see if I can find it edit got it:, running Mastodon.

  • There are many different visions for “success” of decentralized projects, some of which require/imply explosive growth and some do not. There are also some goals, such as diversity and inclusivity, which can have complicated relationships with the concept of “growth.”

    I want all kinds of people (that are NOT BIGOTS) to be join the fediverse, participate safely and form their own communities[1].

    To achieve this, it’s beneficial for it to be easy for folks to join the fediverse at all, e.g., being able to easily find an instance and sign up for an account and not worry about the infrastructure or instance politics, and critically to be able to easily find one another and interact. These are also features that just fuel userbase growth generally.

    But to sustain it, it’s necessary to have strong moderation (which in turn requires a manageable workload for mods) and to keep large pools of bad actors in check. It’s also important on a safety basis for many users to be less discoverable because high discoverability of marginalized users results in high rates of harassment by bigots. These are features that support a better and safer experience for people who are in the fediverse.

    These things are directly in tension, which makes it very difficult to have a healthy fediverse. The result on Mastodon has been a bifurcation of “successful” (by different definitions) instances into, on the one hand, very large but poorly moderated instances with garbage fire local timelines but lots of people and lots of content to interact with, and, on the other hand, smaller, well moderated instances that flourish internally but can be hard to join or to interact with if you’re on one of the large instances.

    Both models exert exclusionary forces in their own ways. If you keep everyone in your federation, and that includes nazis, then you are de facto participating in driving people who are targeted by nazis off of the network. But if your happy little closed instances are impossible to join and has a constraining monoculture, then a lot of other nice folks may get left out.

    There’s not an easy solution to this. The situation for lemmy will be similar in some ways and different in others. The piece that worries me particularly is that instance politics questions become potentially more charged due to the fact that instances are hosting the communities[2] and not just the users, plus there’s not yet a way to migrate communities.

    1. in the sense of social connections generally, not just “community” as a lemmy feature ↩︎

    2. In the lemmy feature sense ↩︎

  • I don’t know that a formal charter is required, but I do think that it is important that all instance admins do a couple of things:

    • Develop and publish a moderation policy in some form
    • Determine and publish criteria by which they decide when to defederate from another instance

    There isn’t one right answer for either of those things, and the point isn’t to ensure everybody passes a purity test. It’s to set expectations for users on the instance, users on other instances who may participate in communities on the instance, and other instance admins.

    Well-thought-out policies will be copied and forked by other new instances, and that will create consensus communities of instances that are at least on the same page when it comes to how a site is supposed to work.

    It will also be helpful for the community to be able to talk about things like what instances have a lot of bad actors or poor moderation, something similar to #fediblock on Mastodon. The issues that mods face and that individuals targeted for harassment face are often invisible to the average joe user, and can also be invisible to admins if they aren’t actively encountering reports themselves. #fediblock creates a place – sometimes fractious, yes – where folks can ensure that those issues are visible and give admins an opportunity to determine whether or not they need to take action.