Maybe you can donate to Mozilla?
Maybe you can donate to Mozilla?
It’s sorted by the length of time, so a day is shorter than a month.
Lena here, the name Lilith does seem interesting… Lili for short
Have you used chrome or chromium in the past few years? Source?
You can skip the year and just do 1-26
Add hyfetch
to the top of your .bashrc
file and boom, you have a :3 terminal
They’re not trying to be nice, they are being nice about it >:3
That’s an interesting coincidence
A bit out of context, but is your username and instance a reference to nescafe?
There is no cure, there is only :3
I agree that Chrome fucking sucks, but it’s disingenuous to call it unoptimized. Chrome and chromium-based browsers are as fast as or faster than Firefox. Although I agree that manifest V3 is horrible to the web as a whole and shouldn’t have been created.
And their profits keep going up
The killer is inclusive, it kills all genders