Been a stressful damn week. Past 2 months has been a long decade too. But today’s going pretty chill at least
Been a stressful damn week. Past 2 months has been a long decade too. But today’s going pretty chill at least
Crazy that that’s the case considering how bad it tends to be for advertisers. But I don’t doubt that’s involved too. Especially when the cultural focus of the country now is to rid itself of all forms of equity
They’re getting a lot of pressure from the Trump administration to clamp down on leftist content and ease regulations on right wing stuff
I was looking at that and the 5 year too but its got a weird huge spike frol the election peaking in early february and since that peak it’s lost almost all of the value attained and its trending down. Probably still too early to tell but if it keeps going the way it is, within a month it will be losing value on the 1y. might atill have some percent on the 5y thoigh