I happily use Fedora for workstation purposes but hate to admit I use it, so it’s an accurate critique. It’s a great operating system though, naming aside.
I happily use Fedora for workstation purposes but hate to admit I use it, so it’s an accurate critique. It’s a great operating system though, naming aside.
My husky got sprayed once on a late night walk. She was so confused – she just wanted to be friends!
She got two jets: one in the facial area and another on her rump. The stuff near her face came out relatively quickly (think a timeline of months), whereas the spray on her butt really got the chance to soak in to her double coat. It would still smell ~5 years later if she got wet, just absurd staying power.
It did eventually fade or, at the very least, became less distinguishable from the general smell of wet dog
I mean, certain airlines are starting to adopt size policies which will grant you an additional seat if you are overweight. Why is it such a stretch to believe that tall people should receive the same accommodation?
This is a feature of SATA devices too. Use UUIDs in your fstab unless you enjoy playing musical chairs with your mount points
But you actually don’t know what monero is being used for when it’s used in transactions, no one does. You just have a bias that if people want to keep their transactions secret, it must be illegal.
You could make the same argument for cash.
I don’t really use it for this, but here are some things I do use it for:
I mostly just use it for metrics scraping though
Air Canada: we’re not happy until you’re not happy
I mean you could just use docker and if all you want is a plex container, it may be the way to go. Kubernetes is definitely a lot to learn if you are kind of hesitant to get started with it in the first place. I would just say that single binary distribution like k0s just basically becomes a docker on steroids when used in a single node environment. I’ve become so familiar with k8s that going back to docker feels like a massive downgrade for anything but a simple and straightforward task (which a single plex container, admittedly is).
Just do yourself a favour and if you go that route, at least use docker-compose to template your container. Searching through your bash history to find the command you used to start the container is just a recipe for frustration waiting to happen.
One major feature that k8s has which docker doesn’t (I mean, there are lots tbh) is the ability to use helm charts. These are basically install templates, if you don’t like the defaults then you can provide your own (assuming the chart author has written good charts) and the helm chart will template your values into the default chart and spin up a bespoke version for you.
For instance, a theoretical helm chart whose purpose is to install qbittorrent would likely provide the following:
However, say this ingress by default doesn’t use SSL, but you want to ensure you’re using https when you enter the password on your web interface, but the rest of the chart defaults meet your needs – then a well written chart would allow you to provide values that let you template the SSL setup for the ingress object and provide for cert-manager to go and provision some certificates for your provided hostname with Let’s Encrypt.
Helm charts basically are a way to provide a sane set of defaults which can be extended and customized to personal needs.
k8s (or the lightweight cousins) may not be ideal for you and, as I said, I’m biased because I’m a certified k8s admin, so tinkering with k8s resembles something like fun for me. Your mileage may vary :)
A complete kubernetes cluster for a homelab probably would be overkill (unless you really wanted a kubernetes playground, which some folks do). However, yes, my recommendation these days would be k0s directly. I did use k3s up until recently but gave k0s a shot and realized it’s a bit lighter on resources, more configurable (for instance you can choose to run cri-o instead of containerd, which isn’t an option with k3s) and has some extra features like letting you put helm charts with their values directly in the k0s config.
k0s vs k3s just comes down to personal preference but for me it came down to:
As for distro to run it on, I use MicroOS myself (immutable os, I have it set to automatically update and reboot once a week), but Debian is my second choice and my personal preference for server distros. The beauty of this setup is the container host really just needs the bare minimum to run the containers. There’s less that can break because the containers are all managed by others upstream so the main concern of breakage areas basically becomes did server boot and did k0s start?
NFS is fine and actually natively supported as a kubernetes volume type: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/
Your option could be to mount it directly to the host first and then use a hostPath to mount it to the container, or just mount the NFS path directly to the pod. As for permissions you may need to do some mapping, but kubernetes also has security contexts that can let you alter the UID of the user running the pod. If you need user to be privileged and root, you can do that or if you need UID 5124 you can do that too.
If your goal right now is a Plex server and not much else to start then this makes things very easy:
You can add nginx ingress, cert-manager, metal lb, etc later on down the line if you get curious and want to expand a bit (sonarr, radarr, adguard home, etc)
You could also just go full stupid with kubevirt, but it’s not a project I’ve personally explored using. Iirc it basically allows for the provisioning of more persistent VMs with k8s rather than containers
I’m kind of over the whole idea of keeping “pets” around to serve my various self-hosting needs. Why make a hypervisor and then shard off pieces of this and create multiple operating systems that need to be maintained when you can just orchestrate all your hosting needs with a container orchestrator like k0s/k3s on the host? Even GPU passthrough can be done.
I’m a bit biased because I’m also a CKA, but I was a die-hard “bare metal or bust” kinda person with my self hosted stuff until I discovered kubernetes. K8s is a lot of resources on its own but a distro like k0s really pares down on the minimum requirements and basically just becomes a more featureful version of Docker if you just run it as a single node.
Eventually I came to understand that when your entire home stack is represented by a few hundred lines of yaml and a couple directories of portable data, that you can stop coddling the Linux install and just use the applications.
Some of these “businesses” are in fact chia farming and whatnot, though. I know the marketing language is always what gets people ruffled up in datahoarder, but this isn’t exactly something I would consider as a legitimate business use and a single plot uses 100GB of space which can’t even begin to be deduplicated. If your entire business resolves around making money as a result of storing unreasonably large amounts of data then the cloud ain’t it and realistic data costs need to be factored into your data models. I’m actually a bit surprised that Dropbox responded so quickly to the influx of gdrive abusers.
For the average user, it would be substantially more cost effective and sustainable for you to invest in hard drives rather than paying Dropbox $100/mo to rent storage. Cloud providers will decide at any time to change the term of your agreement. The hard drive is yours until it dies.
It sounds like what you want is to either get a modem (either rented through the ISP or bought 3rd party, if your ISP supports it) and then ensure that this modem is in bridge mode without any sort of router features. That said, most places will just give you a dumb modem if you have no intention of using their router.
Then the other gear would be a router with the feature set you want. I personally am quite fond of my Mikrotik hap ac2 but the ac3 looks good too. I don’t use the Mikrotik for the wifi either (I use unifi for that), but it’s decent enough for a small space in a pinch.
Basically you would need to find out from your ISP if they allow you to bring your own gear – modem and/or router, with the router being the more important of the two and get their help to either swap your existing device into a bridge or getting you something that can.
DVDs are 480p, 720p wasn’t introduced until the Blu-ray/HD DVD wars
I’ve managed to get in the habit of pointing the screen away from my eye sockets in bed when it’s dark. 60% of the time, it works every time
You could do a data request, that should be everything they have on you
Because this strategy worked so well for determining individuals’ assigned sex at birth. What could possibly go wrong?
Going to play Devil’s advocate here, but open source does not automatically mean that things are safe or that anyone is even auditing the code on anything that resembles a regular basis.
Heartbleed was introduced into OpenSSL source code in 2012 and wasn’t discovered and fixed until 2014
Opinion? Try again. It’s called slander.