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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023

  • I definitely have observed the behavior you describe, across a couple of decades in OSS, and I know how morale killing it can be. I’m sad that you need to step back, but also, self-preservation is critical and I’m glad you’re doing what’s best for you.

    I just want to say sorry again – that this happened and that the community doesn’t have better mechanisms for self-policing. I hope I don’t come off as tone-policing either, I think spaces to vent anonymously are important, and it’s not your responsibility to take on the burden of confrontation.

    1. I’m sorry that this happened and that you feel like leaving is an only option…

    2. I spent over an hour scouring a Matrix room, the Discourse, and even trying to skim through GitHub issues over the last 3 days and I really can’t figure out what or who you’re talking about. (and that’s after finding a certain Japanese-influenced username, if you know what I’m referring to).

    3. I don’t really understand the point of these posts. They’re too vague to be actionable, unfortunately, sorry to be pointed about it.

    EDIT: I’ve been in the community nearly a decade, I have a tree of folks that I’ve brought into the community by way of transitive education, encouragement and community building. Reading this post in the 3 days before NixCon is breaking my heart. I care a lot about this community, and wish there was something more I could do to help you here, and the community.