lurch (he/him)


  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • it’s actually called history-search-backward . it’s configured in /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc . if you type the first few characters of a command in your shells history, then type page-up (that key on the keyboard; if configured for page-up, which is common), it searches the most recent command that started that way. press again for the second recent. i’m using it so much, i got used to the thought process “i type this often -> lets stop typing and use page-up”. of course it can’t work with passwords 😅 i should pay more attention to what i’m doing

  • things that differ between distros, because everyone thinks they can do it better than others: multimedia and sound, firewall config, service management, different init systems, switching default when multiple packages provide the same feature and are installed in parallel, config file migration during updates, making and installing your own custom kernel, selection of free games available.