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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • “perhaps he was always like that”

    I don’t know what to think of that. “This guy is crazy, the idea of him winning scares me. Maybe he was always like this.”

    Wouldn’t you know, though!? How is someone absolutely nuts and unstable to the point it kinda freaks you out, and you’re hedging that shit?

    Are they trying to say they’re still about the shittiness and Trump just isn’t fetch anymore? Or now that the ride is over its going to be a “That wasn’t me” kind of thing? Because both sound like biding their time.

  • I saw it described as being closely related to their identity in the context of… well, their culture war mentality.

    1: The military for all it’s power, but without the parts where you conform to a basic GI look or instill certain character. Camo, webbing, guns, but not professionalism, work ethic, discipline, strict hierarchial conformity, or adherence to real military values. (Just the violent power.)

    2: Pop culture mercenary idols. A few guys have went off to war, came back, wrote this, podcasted that, and turned into mythical personalities. They look different than normal soldiers. They have beards and wear casual attire mixed with military gear. Joe Rogans with military experience. (They like the idea of being above the law because they’re different.)

    3: The soldiers who fought to preserve slavery. The good ol’ boys. Fightin’ for the cause. To keep whites on top. The scraggly beards, the woodsmen aesthetic, rugged men fighting the good fight. (They want their fight to have never ended.)

    You end up with a dudes dressed like a soldier, but not groomed as one, with very specific casual attire and tacticool accessories thrown on top.

  • “All I can say is that if I’m elected President, we will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time,” Trump wrote. “We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!”

    At the very least, even if Zuck isn’t the best example, it’s worth considering that the further conservatives descend into fascism, the more we’ll see people take the easier option of not resisting.

  • We embedded third party auditors in that crypto exchange so I’m curious exactly how inscrutable tiktok really are.

    I mean the accusations are that they’re too beyond oversight and we can’t confidently audit the data, so giving us a button to stop them when we can’t see what they’re doing would be a joke. But I’m skeptical that it’s as difficult to lock down their data as we make it seem.