Welcome to the party pal, most of us knew it was traitor town when “Russia if your listening” was said on national TV.
Welcome to the party pal, most of us knew it was traitor town when “Russia if your listening” was said on national TV.
Well actually you can say [removed for rule violation]
Maybe there should be a federal agency for making sure Americans learn things? The Bureau of Learning? No there has to be a name that’s gooder than that.
The American brain drain.
I too worked at the science factory. One visa please.
Seriously, I’m so burnt out after work I never have the mental energy to work on any of my ideas. I create notes, plan things out, but when it comes down to putting it all together I just don’t have the energy.
I play the lottery just in the hopes of winning enough to to invest and live off the dividends so I can spend my time focusing on finishing my projects.
Anti-trump American here, I work in international freight with my primary focus on the U.S. & Canadian border. I have a bunch of contacts in Canada who I speak with regularly, and ever since shitler was sworn in again they all report the country unifying. Hell one contact said he’s seen people from other provinces defending Quebec. Shitler has unified the other provinces with Quebec… that’s the defcon level we’re at here people…lol.
Agreed, in my early 20’s I applied for a job with the TSA. After passing the interview I had to take a test to determine if I was fit for the job, before I could take the test I had to be cleared for confidential clearance. So even though I didn’t pass the test, and didn’t get the job, I had a low level government clearance and an NDA that kept me from disclosing what I saw.
Funny enough that clearance did come in handy when I had to get an FBI background check to work at the airport doing line service, the guy who did the paperwork was shocked at how fast my paperwork was given the all clear.
Yep, I still browse for a few subs that haven’t taken off here yet, but I stopped voting, commenting, or posting. Well that’s not entirely true, I still downvote ads.
Yep, I’ve got a buddy in another country that I needed to share a group of files with, it was several gigs and we were both editing things.
We setup a syncthing connection and once we were synced it just worked. I also use it on my LAN to sync personal files, but to share with him we both just set up a folder and I just shared that one folder with him while the rest of my shares stayed private on the LAN.
Syncthing is amazing.
That headline is some brand new sentence material.
Nintendo, isn’t that the law firm with a game console side business?
Oh that’s a good one!
Ugh, the updates…my work PC is Win 11, I got an email from IT last night telling me I had to install the latest update I had been putting off. This morning after I clocked out I started the update. I have 500 down and it took almost 2 hours to download and 3 hours later the installation is only at 53%. I’m just going to go to bed and hope it’s done by the time I have to clock in tonight.
And my coworkers wonder why I prefer Linux…
Very interesting, thanks. I really need to get my activity pub link setup since it would be nice to also be linked to mastodon. Oh boy, another project! ADHD for the win! Squirrel!!!
I did not know that, thank you. Yes it is a WordPress blog. I’ll have to Google how to set that up. Any links to guides are also welcome!
I still get on reddit, but I just read I don’t vote or contribute in any way. I noticed today that anything critical of trump or his administration was having a difficult time loading, but yet non-trump related content loaded just fine.
Totally not suspicious.