I’m curious what you work as? Sysadmin?
I’m curious what you work as? Sysadmin?
I thought “bricked up” means having a hard on.
I love the idea your wife has about writing arguments down! Feels like it would help give structure too, so many arguments I have meander from disagreeing about detail to detail.
I’m curious about what your referring to in the last paragraph, could you share more? (Or share an article or something on it)
The flag in your username made me pause. On some other social media it meant hindu nationalist, love that here it means you like NetBSD lol.
Hope you get well
I’m guessing you misread the post. If not, how do digestive problems affect peeing?
There are models that have only used data with permissive licenses.
What do you think is happening to Pakistan that they deserve?
Well here’s someone putting unnecessary math into their sex scene:
Its under a subsection on “modesty”. But I don’t know why it’s under the section on prayer.
They are general rules on clothing, you can look up “awra for women” to get at the same stuff.
The meme is meant to get something similar across. The people who ask questions like that somehow seem to expect all the suffering people there are going through to be ignored or something.
No, it is obligatory according to the major schools of law in Islam, which the manority follow.
Here’s the section from Encyclopedia of Islamic law: a compendium of the views of the major schools by Laleh Bakhtiar (archive: https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofis0000bakh/page/70/mode/2up )
While its true there are outliers like fundamentalists who go to extremes and progressives who deny many rules, there are four major schools in (Sunni) Islamic law that the majority of people follow and they all take at the very least the ruling that the covering for women is everything except her face, hands and feet - when among men who she legally can marry (“mahram”).
Thats a strange thing to say. Even if the changes havent been dramatic where you live, it certainly will with time if we dont limit the damage done.
What better ways are there to manage access to it?
Any similar artists you’d recommend? I think electric wizard is one of the only metal bands I’ve enjoyed.