they/them, ona/ona

mi toki e toki pona

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023

  • “uhh u gotta have some kind of wage slavery! lets just beg for the slave conditions to get just a little better! oh this person is saying we should abolish slavery?? ridiculous! dont they know nothing would ever get done in society??”

    i dont wanna argue with the crippled remains of the antiwork movement, bc it frustrates me to no end. but please read some antiwork theory before saying so much dumb shit all at once.

  • sooo theres no way of preventing ur phones storage from being copied. it has to be stored on a chip somewhere, and that chips contents can be copied.

    there is however a different way of protecting the data.

    a strong encryption password is the only real protection against this kind of attack. modern phones have a chip called a Trusted Platform Module, that is capable of storing secret keys in a way thats very difficult to get to even with physical access to the device.

    the way i understand encryption on modern phones, is that ur unlock PIN is passed to the TPM, which then passes a secret key (longer and more complex password than ur PIN) to the system to decrypt ur files.

    this way, if u only copy the phones storage, u will have to bruteforce this very complex key thats stored in the TPM. or u would have to try to hack or brute-force the TPM itself, which is hardened against those types of attacks specifically.

    having said all that, idk if its even reasonable to expect a phone to ever be secure against targeted government agencies attacks. best protection is not having anything personal on ur phone in the first place. so set disappearing messages on messengers, etc.

    TL;DR use a long pin or a strong password for ur phone and try to remove any incriminating information from ur phone as soon as its not needed there anymore.

  • I’m just sick of bi erasure in queer communities, being belittled by being called “half gay, half straight”. Or even “oh you’re just a cishet who wants to fit into queer spaces”.
    No. I am bi. Not half this, half that, not pretending.

    im sorry you had to experience that and i agree with you there.

    bisexuality is its own thing and should be understood as such, not written off as a combination of two other sexualities and nothing more (and even so, claiming that ppl in queer spaces are just “pretending” is ofc incredibly harmful to everyone).

    having said that, bisexuality is often (imo incorrectly) defined as being attracted to men and women. which excludes nonbinary ppl, even tho many bisexuals are also attracted to ppl outside of the binary genders.

    so i think in this context, its comforting for me to think of the bi- in bisexual as meaning homo- & heterosexual (nb inclusive), rather than men & women attraction.

    however as i said, this should not be used to understand bisexuality beyond just a surface-level and should never be used to discriminate or make judgements on someones “queerness”.

    I genuinely did not know about people who define themselves as non-binary men or women, could you help me understand?

    so theres many different nonbinary genders ofc (its a spectrum so technically… infinite?).

    i identify as a demi-girl, which is someone who identifies as a woman, but not strongly enough to be considered fully on the binary side of it. perhaps it helps to visualize it on a spectrum with binary men on one side and binary women on the other. demigenders would be sort of, half-way between the center and one of the ends. making them non-binary but also perhaps more of one binary gender than the other.

    hope this helps as just an idea. please keep in mind tho that this ofc doesnt fit for everyone who identifies as demigender, its just my understanding of it for myself.

  • I as a man can only be heterosexual if I exclusively am attracted to women.

    “homo-” means same or similar. “hetero-” means different or other.

    i am not usually the kind who immediately cites definitions of words, however in this case, this is how the prefix is used and understood all over the scientific world

    your definition of heterosexuality is very unusual to me and as a bisexual nonbinary woman, it definitely does not fit for me.

    im curious tho, do heterosexual nonbinary ppl exist in your definition here? or is that mutually exclusive? and whats the equivalent of nonbinary ppl who arent attracted to other ppl of their own gender but only those of a different gender?


    And enbies are not women, even if AFAB. They are neither man nor woman, that’s what makes them non-binary, that’s the point.

    nonbinary men and women exist and are valid gender identities.