If you really want to hit them, just make a concerted effort to request GDPR data for your user. It’s perfectly legal, it costs them time and money, and it may also actually benefit you to know what kind of data reddit collects about you.
At some point, it may even become a nice tool, say if someone creates a way to import that data into e.g. the fediverse or tilde or something similar.
For anyone interested, this is the page: https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request. Just log in, select GDPR and request data for your “full time at Reddit”.
There are some subs that I’d rather see dead, and some that are just amazing, just based on their moderation and communities. r/fantasy is a shining beacon of light in an otherwise dark world, and with it a lot of the sister communities like WoT, Stormlight_archive and similar. They all have a positive feel, including and fair with just enough moderation without becoming heavy handed.
So in a sense it’s not so much the content, but rather the community itself that I’d love to see persisting beyond reddit.
I used to work for this major company, biggest in my country by far.
Whether it was going well or poorly, they tended to offer severance packages to “cut back” on their staff, to appease the grotesquely overpaid consultants that analysed their finances.
What tended to happen, was that the most qualified people, who had no issues finding another job (often better paying), took those packages (I took home a one year salary after having worked there almost three, then had two months vacation and started a better paying job), which left those who didn’t really have other options, those who did the bare minimum and had a lot of useless meetings.
I guess that’s what reddit is heading for. They are alienating those who contribute the most, the content creators, the mods and the ones who like to engage others. They will be left with their bots, lurkers, racists, reposters and porn-spammers.
Good riddance.