Why? He doesn’t have to do it himself and all he has to do is get someone who can and will, and we know there are plenty of those types surrounding him.
Why? He doesn’t have to do it himself and all he has to do is get someone who can and will, and we know there are plenty of those types surrounding him.
If you got more than one bullet…
Remote makes it easier to seem busy and not get anywhere? This is why you have progress reports. Wtf? It’s way easier to slack off in the office because the assumption is you’re working. At home, someone like this guy would assume you’re slacking off so you’d have to work harder to convince him otherwise.
Thr burning down of tesla cars and dealerships don’t happen during the protests so they have no boogeyman to give yet. Once the protests turn violent, which I have no doubt they will eventually if they keep getting ignored, thr media will be quick to pain all protestors as bad and ask “why didn’t they try peacefully protesting?”
US FDA announces easy cheese as the healthiest option for kids everywhere!
Absolutely. Dems are at an all time low of approval as far as I’m aware. This is the opportune time to make a new one. Enough with the weak responses to a threat that not only throws the US into chaos, but the rest of the world as well.
Yea. This isn’t being started on the left. It’s being emulated.
I finally left Google a month or so ago and its amazing how little I miss it.
This is a great way to create people who have nothing to lose. Bonus, these were already people who were activists and doing something. Kicking the hornets nest might be an apt comparison.
Yea, in the US it lasts less than 4 years.
I’d say worse. In the least, people carrying out orders might be doing so out of fear for their own life. It doesn’t excuse it, but on the scale I’d say that’s much better than putting people in a position to kill or be killed.
My mom’s pastor was accused of being sexual towards a woman. The whole thing sounded a bit sketch, so I’m not entirely convinced he did anything. But given the reputation of religious leaders inalso wouldnt be surprised.
My mom defended him by saying he “showed his chaplains ID for the police department.” As if him being thr chaplain that goes in and attempts to convert inmates makes him a good person. It sounded more like a flex, like he was saying “try pursuing this, I have friends in high places.”
For MAGA? I don’t think there is a number.
Bloodletting is making a comeback!
That really depends on where you were born and what status you were born into. You could be born into a lot of places today that you would starve or live under miserable conditions.
The shitty part is it won’t just be us. Animals who had nothing to do with our shit will likely die right along with us.
How would we afford our billionaires! Think of the Yachts and their missing owners!