So, even if the company wanted you to come in 3 days a week, what was stopping you from commiting to the whole 5 days? I don’t think a company would say no if someone wished to go to the office even more often.
We’re doing hybrid too where I work, but I still go in 5 days a week, even if that means there are times (generally Monday and Friday) when there aren’t as many people around.
May I ask why? This coming from the guy that has to facilitate them.
I’m especially curious about the stand-ups, since I have mixed feelings about retrospectives myself, they have their place and I think they play a part in a team’s growth, but at the same time I’d rather just cancel them if I don’t feel we’d get anything useful out of it and I don’t want to hold a retro just because the process says so.
LE: Gonna just edit this to say thank you to the people who replied, gave me some new perspectives to think about.