• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • The FEIE is only concerned about your relationship with America. It doesn’t matter what country/countries you decide to live in.

    As far as the transition, I didn’t know it was happening until much later. When I left America it was to travel full time. I wasn’t specifically going to one place so saying goodbye to friends and family was like, “I’ll be around. Catch you guys later.” 2-3 years later I was thinking to myself, “Oh shit… You’re like… really gone.”

    For work, I hold myself pretty strictly to working on US east coast hours so there is as little friction as possible with the employers. I moved my phone to a virtual provider and updated all banking and W4 paperwork to use a mailbox service in Florida (no state level income tax in FL).

    You do get very bored with tourist stuff though. I think I would rather die than set foot in another museum or see some old building or religious site or whatever… Now 100% of the travel I still do is to see people I care about.

    Good luck.

  • Certs are a waste of time tbh. If you have 8 years of experience, you should have more than enough to fill out a resume already.

    An AWS cert is almost certainly even more useless for you specifically unless you wanted to get into devops/sre and do systems design. I have been in sre for a very long time and have never even heard of anyone writing tooling in Java. That section of the industry is entirely dominated by go, python, and (more often than anything else) bash for really quick automation.

  • As a counter balance to that though, interviewers need to understand what they are hiring for and tailor the questions asked to those requirements.

    For example, there is genuinely very little coding required of an SRE these days but EVERY job interview wants you to do some leetcode style algorithm design… Since containers took over, the times I have used anything beyond relatively unremarkable bash scripts is exceptionally small. It’s extremely unlikely that I will be responsible for a task that is so dependent on performance that I need to design a perfect O(1) algorithm. On terraform though, I’m a fucking surgeon.

    SRE specifically should HEAVILY focus on system design and almost all other things should have much much less priority… I’ve failed plenty of skill assessments just because of the code though.

  • Trains when possible.

    I’ve been riding motorcycles on and off for years. For the last 8ish months I’ve been riding one of those like city share electric moped/scooter things. It’s a cheap Chinese NIU brand. For the size and state of infrastructure in my current city (Tbilisi) it’s honestly the best way to get around.

    I lived in Tokyo for years though. I would take a train network like that any day of the week.