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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • But how would it have been different if you were traveling via public transit? Or walking, or biking? You’d still have to go out of your way to get home. I suppose you could have split up, but then even if there wasn’t a bus from the reception to downtown, you could have taken your own uber.

    I completely understand being frustrated by going out of your way. I just don’t know how it’s related to your mode of transport.

  • Moscow agreed to discharge Indian nationals who were illegally inducted into the Russian Armed Forces during a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin in July.

    The way this is written, the dangling modifier makes it sound like the Indian nationals were illegally inducted into the Russian Armed Forces during the meeting. Like Modi met with Putin, and the Indian staff members and security detail that came along were corralled into a bus and shipped to the front lines. Then Modi comes out of the meeting looking like the Vincent Vega meme, and turns to Putin who is like the Fidel Castro Simpsons meme.

    Moscow agreed during the meeting to discharge the illegally inducted Indian nationals.

  • Why do you think you can’t prove Gengis Khan existed?

    Claims need proof when there is a call to action. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re from an island or a small town or a big city, unless you’re giving me directions. If you make an extraordinary claim, and you want me to believe you, then I’ll need proof. If you make a mundane claim, then what the fuck do I care if you’re lying? If you claim to have a disease, I’m going to believe you because I’m not a doctor and it costs me nothing to take you at your word.

    If you shout “Run, something bad is coming!” I might feel foolish and angry if I later learn you were lying, but I’d rather be foolish and angry than injured or dead. Proof is a luxury when time is of the essence, doubly so when safety is at risk.

    There might be some specific nuances to quibnle over, but generally I think we could reach consensus on the guidelines I described.

  • Businesses that make these offers usually buy an insurance policy against someone winning. If it’s a $10,000 prize, but extremely difficult (like a hole in one challenge), the insurance might be like $1,000. The business pays win or lose, so they’re hoping someone wins because it’s great publicity. It’s much more fun when the person awarding the prize is happy and celebrating with the winner, so in that sense it’s a good idea.

    The insurance company, however, will have very specific language and will try to avoid paying even if it makes the business look bad.

    I don’t know the specifics in this case, but I worked for a generator company that sponsored a long-putt challenge at a golf fundraiser. Someone won a free generator, and the insurance company tried everything to weasel out of paying. We ended up giving them the generator anyway, because the publicity would have been horrid, and it took like 18 months to get the insurance company to pay up.

    Either way, it was stupid of the dealership to try to weasel out of the prize. A lease is like $350 a month times 24 months is $8,400. The kick happened at a football field named after the owner of the dealership after he donated $15 million to the university.

  • MAGA is the island of lost souls. The point of the debate is not to change their minds. It is to make the stark difference between the candidates laughably obvious, so that even the moderate conservatives feel ashamed and stupid that he represents their interests, and the moderate Democrats feel comfortable mocking them for their weirdness.

    Nobody felt that way about Clinton. She tried to be the better person without alienating the Trump supporters. She used words like “deplorables” when she should have said “shitbags.”

    Trump supporters deserve to be alienated, just as all bigots and nazis and narcissists should be. They will not change because of a rational argument. You need to smoke them out of the crowd, and then point and laugh until they shrivel up and every child sees their humiliation, so that no one grows up thinking it’s OK to be a bigot, or that there are good people on both sides.

    Fascism is a threat of violence, and the best way to defeat it is to render it impotent. You can’t kill an idea, but you can make people embarrassed to admit it out loud.

  • Sure, he made the ring as asked. But it’s conceivable to me that the customer only talked to one person about his plan, because any sane person would have tried to talk him out of it. And the jeweler could have made a different choice, and then maybe he would be making anniversary rings, or rings for her jealous friends. Instead, there’s a viral image with his stamp on it, and I just realized this is all probably fake anyway. I’m not a smart man.