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Joined 15 days ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2025


  • Yeah I could still comment normally to the chain itself and my comments. Other people in the thread were talking to me directly and normally. They were responding to my comments. I didn’t switch accounts to evade the block though. That’s so ridiculous I’m sorry someone bothered you like that.

    I’ve never blocked anyone in the 12 years I was on Reddit. I’ll mock obvious bigoted trolls if they’re being actively terrible to people in my community. But that’s the limit for me engaging in an unhelpful back and forth. Usually they get bored within an hour or so when I stop giving them energy.

    I’m sorry about the negative experience you’ve had on the other side of it. I think it’s pretty clear that the ability to block someone and not interact with them is important but the way it’s implemented is a crappy experience for everyone. Not to mention it seems easily exploitable.

    I’ve upvoted you a lot on Lemmy so please don’t block me haha

  • /Jerk: Excuse me the other thing? Wow amazing amazing you fell for Jefferson and Hamilton propaganda 🥲🤣🤣🤣 I can’t believe you fell for a CONSPIRACY THEORY the truth is that Aaron Burr was a normal person who loved his family and was the VICTIM for decades because of Jefferson and Hamilton targeted harassment campaign against this wonderful man! You are Aaron Burr’s descendent and FAMILY and the lies about him were so successful that even his descendants fell for them. Innocent until proven guilty and Burr was DECLARED innocent!!!😇 Why are you so mad and upset and obsessed with Arron Burr what is wrong with you? You are so unhinged for Aaron Burr (blocks unblocks sends another version of the above reblocks, repeat)

    /Unjerk: I actually said something way kinder about Burr than you did initially. I said something general like “To be fair, Burr wasn’t that great of a guy. And there’s the whole criminal conspiracy with the bribing Generals thing and trying to recruit soldiers while Vice President thing too.” I didn’t even get into the duel.

    Whatever we can be obsessed losers together. Spending every second of every day seething against the memory of precious spineless baby angle Aaron Burr (a man I never think about)

  • Yeah this policy in practice makes no fucking sense.

    I definitely experienced this last month. I had a weirdo block me randomly because I happen to not be a fan of historical figure, Aaron Burr. They apparently really really like Aaron Burr—so they blocked me. Whatever.

    I didn’t get a notification or anything. It just looked like they’d deleted their account and never existed on my side. Ok. I shrugged and thought it was a weird UI thing and moved on.

    That was until I started talking to other people and the Blocker kept unblocking me to leave me more messages only to immediately Reblock me.

    I knew this was happening because I would get an email alert that I had a comment. But when I went to see the comment on Reddit, it was gone.

    I don’t even know or understand what the Blocker wanted from me (except maybe falling in love with Aaron Burr-which isn’t on the table —he’s not my type).

    In practice, this new policy ended up having the Blocker spam the person they’re Blocking and removing their ability to prevent being spammed.

    Dude I’ve never blocked anyone or had any real trouble on any site or forum. The only time I’ve had trouble is on Reddit and only over the last 3-months. Good riddance.

  • You should read the motion. The motion to suppress isn’t based mistaken identity or identity. The Motion is based around how officers detained/seized the Defendant and items unlawfully. Officers did not give the Defendant the ability to leave (seizure) which means their actions rise to an “investigative detention.” This is a violation of the 4th Amendment and the 14th amendment.

    The Officers detained the Defendant to Interrogate him and because he was not free to leave, the should have Mirandized him at that point. The Officers failed to Mirandize the Defendant during a custodial interrogation which is a violation of the 5th Amendment.

    While I don’t think it was in the PA Defense filing: at one of the hearings there was questions about the chain of custody of the backpack. This could also lead to suppression of evidence (as I believe the gun wasn’t found until after the police took the bag to the station—but I can’t find the source that mentioned this fact now so I’m not sure if this specific facts is accurate anymore).

  • Hmmm then we are deeper into this than the world has realized. I think the gilded sheen is still there—but the rot underneath is deeper than the outside thinks.

    Meaning, the mass protests that broke out in the millions across the country from 2017 to 2020–that era was the “protest era.”

    What are we in now? Sure as hell not a protest era. We are way beyond.

    As someone who has closely studied the evolution of spycraft from Ancient Intelligence to the development of the modern Intelligence Community—I know that because of my knowledge—I feel exactly as you say here. If I am taken out now for being too open or too loud, the side of humanity loses me in the fight. And it is so god damn easy to misstep.

    We are and have been under massive constant surveillance. The facial scanning at airports has expanded to the physical border if you’re crossing by land. They say they delete your photo—but I assume they’re instead storing the biometrics. This is and will be used against us.

    The tech companies in control know most of us better than we know ourselves. We are tracked every second of every day. They don’t need warrants when they already have access to profiles of data on almost every human in America. Even if we were in a normal world—the constitution generally doesn’t apply to private corporations. This is and will be used against us.

    There is no safety “protesting” or organizing unless it’s done in a tight, cell operations that have some communication in between but function so that if one goes down the network stays intact. Intelligence and resistance groups survive when they’re federated.

    Master’s tools cannot dismantle the master’s house. Organizing on a mass scale across the country without using any tech that touches our adversaries right now is not possible. So, first we must figure out how to share information quickly and easily in a way that excludes big tech capture and government capture.

    Figuring this independent communication hurdle out is more important right now than getting out on the street with a geotagged phone and smiling for a drone who is sure to snag your biometric data. And I’m saying this as someone who believes in the people protesting (and who has been in full scale car tipping rubber bullets everything on fire riots).

  • I had all my comments admin removed that were criticizing Russia from an academic perspective and academic tone. I even cite and quote well respected interns relations journals that are totally neutral to traditional conservative in leaning. Nope.

    What’s so utterly bizarre is that the “conservative” community on Reddit keeps blasting that it’s “ultra-left.” If plainly stating “Russia’s war time economy is something I don’t like” is “ultra-left” then I am fucked and probably already on a list haha

  • tischbier@feddit.orgtoReddit@lemmy.worldRemoved from Reddit because?
    8 days ago

    Welcome! Similar story. I upvoted on a long standing account and got warned. Not sure which upvote did it. I’ve got a few hundred thousand karma across accounts. Had a fair share of OC hitall. Pretty typical engaged user.

    Then I tried to help someone in a niche sub with buying bedding. And auto admin mod kept removing my comment post. Then the sub mods messaged me and said they tried to make my comment visible multiple times and couldn’t override the admin.

    Then I followed mod advice and reposted my helpful comment only to get an auto banned on all accounts from the admin for “spam” (for two comments? Really?). The sub admin were able to override the ban and reinstate me since I did nothing wrong.

    It’s way too frustrating to deal with. Out of the past year like 800 normal/helpful comments of mine have been shadow removed or admin removed.

    At that point I’m just talking to myself. After 12 years, I never thought I’d leave Reddit but here we are. Happy to be on Lemmy.

  • tischbier@feddit.orgtoReddit@lemmy.worldReddit is so very confused..
    12 days ago

    Seriously the stupid rehashing of old top comments. Posted by bots. Who are commenting on a repost posted by a bot.

    Fuck me. It’s never a recycling of Reddit specific lore or history or inside jokes. Just the lowest hanging fruit. Over and over and over.

    It’s like being forced to sit through a sitcom where the actors are all robots and there’s no live audience or laugh track.

  • Dude for the last year on Reddit I could NOT get a normal feed. It was always sneaking in AITA threads. It was absurd. And then the comments were even more absurd.

    Did you see the PR company/ PR person Melissa Nathan that was caught manipulating pop culture subreddits for actors?

    Like I could tell it was off and not at all like Reddit used to work but all this makes it so apparent that the content is being driven so hard by factions and bots. It’s mostly not real people anymore doing or influencing anything.

    So glad to be on Lemmy with you :)