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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • No, no, you see, it’s actually so empowering for the worker because they can quit at any time with no notice! Isn’t that so empowering! In fact, I almost think that the balance of power goes too far in the workers favor on this and we need to give some of it back to the poor employers who are just always walking on eggshells since they can be quit on at any time!

    /s just in case

    It’s so insane that anyone can argue that at-will employment is anything other than a shitty employer’s wet dream.

  • When I installed fdroid from their website a month or two back it was like 2 or 3 clicks. Then whenever I want to install anything from there it’s an extra click or two over what it would be from Play.

    I’ve seen people click through way more complicated processes than this without even knowing they did it. Modern computing has taught people to just keep hitting whatever the approval text is (yes windows, I really do want to copy all of these god damn files. Yes, really, I still do! Yep, again, ALL of them!)

  • I’m a millennial that doesn’t like avocado at all, so, speaking of disgraces!

    We managed to get a house, but there are also 3 of us with no kids, I can’t imagine managing with two people in todays economy. We got in just before the rates skyrocketed in 2021, the house price is basically what the inflation calculators say the original owners bought it for decades ago, so, there’s that at least, that we only paid the equivalent of the original list price for a 5-6 decades old house with decades of shoddy repairs such as every single plug with a ground having the ground pin tied to the neutral!

    It’s a real rough time out there right now though with ownership out of the realm of possibility for so many :-\

  • Interview With a Vampire … kind of … Lestat was by no means good to Louis, but their portrayals in the rest of the series was quite different … I think that Anne Rice was trying to show that neither of them should be considered reliable narrators and Louis will always try to portray his situation as awfully as possible and Lestat is a narcissist and will always try to portray himself in the best light even when acknowledging what he did incorrectly.

    But, when I saw that book 2 was about Lestat, I was like … wtf … I hate this guy, why would I want a story with him as the main character and then I read them all, lol.

  • Name of the room + number.

    I’ll give the human readable name a bit more info like if it’s a fan (then it’s ‘Kitchen Fan 1’, ‘Kitchen Fan 2’, etc…), but I’ll usually make a group and expose the group to voice and the group would be based on the human name (Kitchen Fan). For most rooms though, I only really care about the room itself, so, “turn off the kitchen lights” is all that’s really needed and that’s handled by the zones.

  • We had two of the dumb versions in the kitchen and I was forbidden to install anything smart in there until I found something similar. Then a year later, they made the smart version.

    10/10 would recommend, it’s expensive since you’ll also need a hub, but I’ve had less issues with them than my Hue’s at this point.

    I’ve got a z-wave dimmer and every now and then it’ll just flip out and start dimming the light for no reason (goes to 1% and then rises to 100%) and needs to be power cycled to fix.
    I’ve got my Kasa dimmers, but they just feel cheap. I’ve started hiding those away for locations they’re not really needed to be touched (attic lights, closet lights, etc…)

    OP – I would whole heartedly second @lemming741 's recommendation. They’re very good and very intuitive to use in a non-smart fashion as well.

    ETA: I’ve had internet die and they continued working as well.

  • Right?! I was way more conservative in my teens and have gone way further to the left and less conservative as I’ve aged.

    “When you buy a house you’ll understand” … yeah, nope, maybe it’s the fact that it took 3 of us to buy the house instead of ONE salary being able to, but, nope - still not a crazy jackass who has no empathy just to keep my property taxes low.

    ETA: Gen Z is great. I love the no fucks given attitude in the workplace and they’re a fucking inspiration.