
  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • object oriented

    Python does have OOP but you are not at all forced to use it. You can write code in a functional or even procedural style.


    I do hate that python doesent have proper support for typing but I think weakly typed variables will actually help beginners as it is less to think about to start off with.


    I think there are pros and cons here. In other languages it is considered good style to use indentation anyway.

    I’m sure it is difficult to teach a large class like that though. It was hard enough for me to learn with a much more favourable teacher to student ratio than you probably have. Sorry but honestly I do sympathise with admin as well.

  • NixOS:

    • Largest and most up to date package repository (no need for flatpack/appimage/snap ect)
    • Reproducible
    • Declarative
    • Rollbacks you can select at boot time
    • No dependency conflicts

    I think it will easily be the number 1 distro if/when they can :

    • the steep learning curve (e.g. have a gui installer EDIT: As in a GUI software centre)
    • documentation
    • have more tools use nixos and have nixos in mind (e.g. there are a couple of tools that didn’t work for me because of specific C libraries not beeing present/configured on nixos that are present on other distros. some libraries implicitly expect these to be present).

  • I have definitely found it challenging at times to do even simple things. I think it does get easier over time.

    I really hope the new user experience will improve. Once the issues with flakes are fixed and they are no longer experimental I would expect flakes to replace the other ways of doing things. This will hopefully make the documentation more concise/focused/better. It might also mean more people start using nix/flakes which will surface more of these problems to be fixed.

    I think people need to decide if the benefits they are getting are worth the challenges. I personally really like the reproducibility and the massive amount of packages available from one place. On other distros I have used things have ended up breaking eventually and I have had to re-install things and search for fixes. But on NixOs things keep working.