There’s a plenty of ideological reasons, but I think it is partly the environment being so stressful makes it harder for people to be considerate to new viewpoints or people.
There’s a plenty of ideological reasons, but I think it is partly the environment being so stressful makes it harder for people to be considerate to new viewpoints or people.
Yeah, and my labor contributes to the capitalist orphan grinding machine. Question is not who is pure, but what people are doing with their privilege. Someone is using their new privilege to murder opponents, and she may have used her privilege to take away freedoms. Doesn’t make the two wrongs into a right.
Did we forget who was president when Epstein was murdered in a prison?
Sounds like the parents have decided they’re too old (or she is too old) to deal with this shit
This is why they fired the JAG lawyers at the Pentagon: there won’t be any legal expert opinions in the military to tell the soldiers the order is illegal.
I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar
Sure, I’m on board as long as the fix isn’t to cut other social safety nets.
I mean it depends on the context of how UBI is going to get paid for. If it is funded by a wealth tax then I am on board. But that’s not how the powerful proponents of UBI say it should be funded. Andrew Yang would have us take it out of Social Security to pay for it but you don’t hear him say we should uncap Social Security contributions.
AI is maturing into what exactly?
The line and reasoning is borrowed from “Bimbo - a philosophical analysis” : https://youtu.be/FeRIE6JDhCQ , the line “I’m not dumb enough to rationalize my way through life” is a rebuttal of Nietzsche type attitudes.
I’m not dumb enough to rationalize my way through life, so just go with what you’re feeling. You don’t need to rationalize it for it to be valid.
My TikTok feed is rather radical, which is a non+option on all the other corporate platforms.
He was on the lighter side, from mainland China.
I’m white and the only time cops have been a dick to me was when I was with my Asian friend. It’s happened more than once. But the one time I was speeding by myself the police let me off on a warning and were rather nice about it. It’s anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt.
Seems to me there is a big difference between attacking someone’s identity and claiming the earth is flat or marijuana is bad. The fact the mods don’t seem to address this is concerning.
With tariffs and deporting labor, I’m not sure if many will be able to afford rebuilding.
Sorry but simply having our needs met is not enough. You are letting one class determine how everyone else works. People want self-determination and that should be extended to all people, not just billionaires.
The wealthy can’t hide from the Children of Kali.
The badge lets others know you’re a masochistic
It’s sort of fucked up how relieving it is to know your parent in laws got their US citizenship years ago. It should not be like this