• Stern@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Gotta admit, him saying, “keep getting your 3% every 4 years, maybe you don’t want to win.” was pretty lmao

    • ashok36@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      The biggest reason trump won in 2016 was, apart from Clinton’s unfavorables, his sense of humor. He could throw out zingers and also be surprisingly self deprecating.

      His problem is that no one was in the mood for any humor in 2020 as he had royally fucked up covid and now in 2024 he’s obviously in mental decline. He’s still good for a quip once in a while but he’s not nearly as funny now as he used to be and way less funny than he thinks he is.

      Biden, meanwhile, for better or worse is exactly the same now as he was four years ago. A little more soft spoken maybe but he hasn’t changed nearly as much as Trump has.

      • IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        He was surprisingly good at creating devastating nicknames for people that would cut them down to a single flaw. A lot of his path wasn’t to be the best candidate, but to ruin everyone else’s reputations.

        But now when he’s falling asleep in his criminal trial on almost a daily basis, it’s hard for quips like “Sleepy Joe” to have the same effect. Or when he’s asking for Biden to be drug tested before the debate when he’s the one with the White House that was referred to as being “awash in speed”. It’s always been projection, but he isn’t able to distract everyone fast enough anymore.

      • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Biden, meanwhile, for better or worse is exactly the same now as he was four years ago.

        🤡 He wasn’t good in 2020, and he’s even worse now. This is only the hottest, most recent takes based off recent events, but we know there’s a long record of humiliation & weakness on the world stage. Mexico border: fucked. USA fentanyl crisis: fucked. Afghanistan: fucked. Israel-Palestine: fucked. Russia-Ukraine: fucked. China: getting on their bullshit. The global hegemon is weak; the world suffers as a consequence.

        Until the last couple months of panic mode, I have seen an entirely unfounded, unflappable confidence being displayed by Democrats, media. There is not a single damn thing about Biden that instills confidence. Trump isn’t silenced, Trump isn’t jailed, everything tried has failed. Which leads me to believe…we’re going to see at least an attempted Trump assassination.

        Biden should be shuffled off into the nearest nursing home & replaced with a competent Democrat. It looks like that’s not going to happen. Idk, this next half-year is going to be mighty interesting, to say the least. 🍿😃🍿