• Freeman@lemmy.pub
    1 year ago

    Im just going to say this. Depression is like addiction for like 95% of people. Its something you will always have and need to deal with. People saying things like money, health insurance etc. It may help in the short term, but it wont just straight up delete depression. I can personally attest to it.

    To add to it, imho, there is not a whole lot others can do for you. If its really bad then yeah interventions can help, and programs can help to try and get you on your feet again, but ultimately it has to come from you, from within. And you have to figure out what works for you. A lot of therapists are good, but a lot of shit too. You have to try things, find what works for you and forget what doesnt. Good therapists can help you find what works FOR YOU. Shit ones just have some junk they read from a book and thats it. And this whole paragraph, it came from a therapist i saw all of 3 times, but its been the biggest sticking point and they were right. Again just like getting clean from addition.

    You can have a good job, plenty of money, awesome healthcare, lot of support and family around and depression can and will rear its head all the same as when you lived out of a car in a walmart parking lot showering in gyms and stealing gas station twinkies because you needed to use the fiver you had for gas to get to work. You could even look at me now, seemingly outgoing and having some success in things like life and career and be like “this isnt that bum that was in the latter part of that sentance, couldnt have been”, but the reality is what it is and its no difference to me. I am that person on both sides 100% of time, despite the perceptions of others.

    Now, to answer the question, for me i need at least 2 things, though preferably 3.

    1. Sleep and a regular circadian rythym. I can do this naturally if i exert a ton of physical activity, but in my job etc i normally take some regular medication to help shut my brain off and get good rest.

    2. Something to engage my brain that isnt work or the problems of life. Things like music, outdoor activities etc. Basically something i can do regularly that breaks the cycle and allows me to catch a break. Learning to play an instrument, or figuring out a problem with my car is just as effective for me as a long hike or going fishing.

    3. This is more or less optional but still a REALLY big help, and its exercise. It can be as easy as a 3-5 mile walk with some music. Doesnt have to be aggressive running or biking or anything like that. Both 2 and 3 I will often struggle to even get to, often actively not wanting to go do this thing or literally question in my head why am I even doing this UNTIL im there doing it. So i have to tell myself its worth the effort until it is.

    Thats it. Thats what I need. This may not work for everyone but its what I need. But ill repeat the similarities to something like addiction are there 100%. And the worst part of it is that some of this may be genetic. My dad was very similar in how he parsed others and viewed the world and now I see many of the same similarities in one of my kids…