Hi. Basically, I’m asking for suggestions. Do you know any good 2FA app that works on linux desktop? I’m looking for something that I can use instead of Aegis, Google authenticator, or microsoft authenticator, but in my computer. Note: It’d be great if it is open source but I’m not closed to proprietary apps, as long as they work on linux
keepassxc has 2fa support
Seconding KeePassXC. Has good browser integration too.
OTP is built in to many password management applications. I use pass and the pass-otp extension.
You can also use OATH Toolkit’s oathtool(1).
Ente Auth
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If you use Gnome and Flatpaks there is an app called Authenticator on Flathub
Some great recommendations in here already. If you’re looking for an OTP only UI: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Authenticator
If you use KDE Plasma and want an app which looks like your other Qt apps: https://apps.kde.org/keysmith/
Another idea if you are willing to spend some money is to get a yubikey. Then the tokens are stored on a separate hardware key and it has great android and Linux apps to access codes
as long as you don’t have more than 32 accounts
I have 32 dozen accounts.
There is a limitation on the amount of accounts? I didn’t knew that and that sucks …
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What exactly do you want it to do? You can implement TOTP with a 10 line python script and I probably have a few of those kicking around. I’ve ended up doing that at least a couple of times.
A chrome extension should do the trick