pleez lets BOYCOTT SONY plz

I bought a PS5 like 3 or 4 months ago from Costco… I’ve not opened the box or anything (for one reason or another) + I’ve got a rig, n am in the middle of putting a new one together) … I don’t mind not plugging it(PS5) in for another 3 to 4 months.

Shame 😔 on Sony

I’ll play my xiv (trial) account on PC 😂😆

    1 year ago

    If your willing to buy a PlayStation and pay the yearly installments to access the internet then by the end of its life cycle you’ve basically bourght a high end PC with money to spend

      1 year ago

      Chances are if you buy a high-end PC you’ll buy another one (or spend enough on upgrades to cost the same as another one) by the end of the console generation.

      And let’s be honest. PC gaming has become ridiculously expensive due to first crypto and now AI.

      I paid less for my Xbox Series X in October 2020 than I paid for my 3070Ti - which incidentally still costs more than when I bought it over a year ago.

      Console games still cost an arm and a leg, and there’s only a handful of games I actually prefer playing on the couch with a controller, but given the inflated gaming pc prices it’s hard to argue that consoles are “as expensive”.

      As a lifelong PC gamer I simply will not pay for online gaming, but Microsoft and Sony will continue to push in that direction as long as people let them.

        1 year ago

        Console gaming is just easy. No launchers, no installation problems, I know that every game I download to it is going to work. I don’t need to worry about upgrading parts or troubleshooting software.

        And really though, with Game Pass I’m not at all worried about game costs. It’s just a non-issue. Anything not on the service, I’ll buy normally.

          1 year ago

          100% this. I literally support fixing software installations and random crashing/errors all day anyway, sometimes when I get home I want my stuff to just work. I bought a console so I don’t have to worry about why my framerate’s dropping in Elden Ring or whatnot, it’ll be fine and for 600$ less than building an actual PC worth building, a console is a no brainer for me.

        1 year ago

        The problem with all these ‘pc gaming is more expensive than console’ comments is that they’re always talking about the latest most expensive pc when a lower end one could easily match the latest console generation at a fraction of the price. Nobody really needs a 30k ti series graphics card Unless you’re doing vr or some intensive work. My 1066 that cost me under 200 bucks is plenty to play pretty much all games at a reasonable quality.

        I’m not saying this as a console hater. I’m saying this as someone who owns both and has always owned both. I’m not even loyal to any particular pc or console manufacturer. I just buy whatever fits me the best at that particular time.

          1 year ago

          I mean, you could buy old hardware and find that the newly released game you really wanted to play doesn’t run.

          I had planned to skip the 970, but the 1070 “never” came.

          Ended up biting the bullet when Just Cause 3 launched and my old AMD GPU was giving me seconds per frame. Sometimes even two digits.

          Consoles are more or less static targets and as such the games are optimized for them.

          PC will always have cutting edge graphics, but the last couple of console generations haven’t exactly been slouches either. A lot of bang for your buck compared to the GPU market.

          It used to be that a mid tier current gen GPU was $300, now it’s $600 for the mid tier last gen.

          That’s not adjusted for inflation, just price gouging.

          If anything is killing PC gaming that’s the problem. People don’t mind paying extra for a superior experience, especially when it’s a multipurpose machine, but ridiculously expensive GPU’s is tragic.

          if it lasts it may lead to the new generations growing up on consoles only due to the price.

          On the other hand, Apple really wants to get into the gaming space, so who knows what will happen next?