I’ve found that Colonel Maruks Reisner provides some of the best information available on the war.
He doesn’t update frequently but all his analysis are sober, detailed, and realistic. He states his pro-Western, pro-NATO, pro-Ukrainian bias clearly.
If I could sum up the general trend of his presentation it’s, “The status quo favors Russia. If we don’t get our heads out of our asses and step up Russia will win.”
Which is probably why they’re trying to bid up Ukraine with the US using their own minerals.
Edit: Although some are suggesting this article is just propaganda, Russia’s main challenge is that their economy is on the brink of failing and domestic support becomes a question if that happens. From a skim that appears to be the main thrust of it.
And god I hope they keep going and keep winning.
I’ve heard this one before. As much as I’d like to believe it…
It’s propaganda.
Your mom is propaganda.
USA’s Mr. 47 will seriously take $5m from Mr. Putin to invite him to live in ‘the land of the free’. And spend all of his ruble there.
Says Kyivpost.
Lines on the map seem to very slowly move in Russia’s favor and Russia’s “leadership” doesn’t care about human cost as long as it allows further operation of their state.
It’s their job to study strengths and weaknesses, so the quote is kinda stupid. Whether they are aware of anything can be said only retrospectively.
I just don’t see where Russia is losing, I live in Russia and every year since 2022 people (sometimes not the dumbest kind, but with age comes naivete, and everyone is naive outside of their immediate profession) around me would say how Russian economy and\or defenses are going to crumble soon because of this war.
And before that since 2020 how they are going to crumble because of inability to adapt.
And before that because of sanctions, yes, what was called sanctions then was seriously talked about.
And before that because stealing elections is unpopular and generally immoral.
And before that because Putin will certainly lose an election, right?
It just doesn’t work like that.
In Russia there’s an expression “глубинный народ” (something like “depths’ people” or “deep people”, hard to translate), meaning some consistent deep popular feeling about something, it’s usually ascribed barbaric feelings, like only caring how the rest of the world fears your nukes or hating everyone intelligent.
But it’s also sometimes ascribed wisdom. For example, about prophets predicting the death of Russia’s regime all by itself one day. Some of those prophets being children of the previous generation of that regime, supposedly separated from the current generation, but after becoming irrelevant coming back to their herd, like Sobchak.
Things are achieved when people work to achieve them, and with the amount of work they take, not the honest amount, not the amount those people can possibly do. Life is not honest.
Russia is not losing this war. It might reformat it into some kind of frozen conflict.
LOL Almost no cannon fodder to send, the massive amount of arms and equipment they started with but now they’re starting to win?
They need to give it all they’ve got and go all out. Leave it all on the battlefield and give 100%. Don’t hold back and go the extra kilometer.
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Jesus Christ what is this fucking take?
Somehow I don’t see u guys complain about Israel genocide - they don’t want to give Palestinians any rights at all
Why not support both underdog victims of a imperialist regime?
I get supporting Palestinians, but why plead the Russian cause?
You are clueless. If you knew the facts you would be anti US, anti Israel, and pro Palestine.
New Balatro card just dropped
You’re not looking if you see us not complaining.
I like how this reminds me of picking in stellaris between genocide and biological assimilation.
“People get better treatment than genocide” isn’t the brag you think it is
Right, that’s why they are bombing day care centers?
Must be nice in that parallel dimension of yours.
The raped and butchered kids and teenagers in Bucha disagrees. You are either sorely misinformed or Russian psyops. I suspect the latter.
And as many 8th floor windows as they like to jump out of.
You might not want to use Israel as your benchmark of “fair”.
I’m so glad Lemmy lets me tag people
I spent some time Sunday with a refugee from Donbass. This isn’t how she experienced it.
deleted by creator
I really hope Europe is going to give them the support they need to see this through.
I hope trump is not going to start sending support to Putin
Honestly if he did it would rip the Republican Party apart lol
Doubtful. They’ve shown beyond a reasonable doubt that nothing matters to them except blind loyalty to T. Nothing. Their own lives are meaningless before him, and his whims define their every breath. If he started shipping troops and guns to Russia, Republicans would be right there, fervently cheering him on.
The true believers REALLY don’t want American intervention and the “old guard” have already pushed back against supporting Russia multiple times.
They’re feckless but they’re not of the same mind on this.
But they’ll also toe the party line, no matter what that line is or who’s drawing it. I’ve known enough “I’m a Republican. I vote for the nominee” conservatives in my life to know that.
You can actually look at how Russia/Ukraine has been handled and see that that is factually incorrect. Look at the votes. Senate Republicans in particular have had no problem voting to send aid
Except the old guard is literally being purged out of agencies right now and is almost completely gone from the national political scene. McCain is dead with trump dancing on his grave, Romney is out after voting to convict trump during the 2021 impeachment. McConnell is retired, but literally spent the last decade trying to get trump elected and give him complete control over the courts (and tried to hand the courts to partisan unqualified judges for 30 years) All of the other “old guard” have bent the knee or left.
While I agree, their margins are too thin the house and the senate hasn’t totally gone MAGA yet. They need more buffer seats and upcoming midterms are very favorable to democrats
I have some hope from the fact that when they showed just how absurdly subservient they are, some people showed up at town hall meetings to yell at them. Not all of these representatives are totally insulated in a maga-encrusted bubble, and at some point the fear of being too pro-Trump might start to compete with the fear of not being pro-Trump enough.
Unfortunately, if the last 10 years have shown me anything, it’s that the Venn Diagram of Trump Supporting Fascists and Self-proclaimed Republicans is rapidly approaching a circle. Some may yet shock us by breaking rank now, but I have no doubt they’ll eventually fall in line, save for a show of deadly force causing them to knee-jerk rebel.
Also, there will not be a point where they stop and say “Are we too Pro-Trump???” That’s just not how fascist regimes work. They encourage the self-cannibalizing behavior of reinforcing ever-deepening faith in The Leader/Party, leaving no room for thought or doubt as they demand ever-more-extreme shows of loyalty. Anyone who breaks the trend is an outsider to be immediately put down to enforce said loyalty further. Republicans have been showcasing this kind of behavior for years, such as adopting the term RINO (Republican In Name Only) for members who break rank, the constant buzzwords, hate speech, and battle cries cycled endlessly through their social circles to signify that they’re in the “In-Group”, the mountains of merch they all seem to own (hats, flags, truck stickers, etc.) to show support for The Leader, and most importantly, their propensity to IMMEDIATELY resort to violence when their Party/Leader/“”“authority”“” is questioned or denied. These dipshits are only gonna keep getting worse until Trump FINALLY bites it, and the cult of personality collapses, but even then, they might devolve further just to spite “”“The Left™️”“”.
If they all weren’t a bunch of cowards, they would have stood up to him already.
The current iteration of the GOP in the senate and congress resembles that of a drying jellyfish on a beach: spineless and worthless (no disrespect to actual dying jellyfish on the beach, who serve admirably in the food chain) . They will do whatever the fuck their god emperor tells them to do.
They confirmed RFK Jr. for fuck’s sake.
As I said in another comment, Russia is a very specific issue. You can look at the votes on funding, they tell a pretty clear story. The senate in particular has had no issue pushing through funding for Ukraine
They’ve always been upset about George Soros but praise Trump letting Elon into every facet of the government to fix the budget. I can see the budget as a civilian but Elon needs access to my IRS and Treasury department info for “reasons”. Claiming he’s trying to fix the budget by selling old weapons to Russia would go over just fine for republican constituents. A lot of them don’t have any reason to see Russia as an enemy and many I’ve talked to like Russian culture a lot 🤷♂️ they don’t need a good reason to go with whatever leadership wants and making the libs upset is a pretty great reason for them if it doesn’t immediately affect them negatively
*facet, lol, but I wouldn’t put it past him!
Let that dink in!
It would rip NATO apart.
That’s the next goal for the GOP. They already moan about how we pay more in military spending than other members, leaving NATO would be something good in their eyes. Ripping up NATO wouldn’t be a bad thing to them, just another way to stick it to the “European socialists libs”
Me too, man. Me too.
And I hope the world will remember
To be honest, with the massive gains they’re showing, it would literally just be a continuation of what European allies are already providing. The only thing the EU, Germany and the UK need to do is continue the support already in place. Slava Ukraini
The gap in US funding/equipment will need to be plugged at least to sone extent. Say what you want about Biden, that was a serious faucet
Good thing there’s Canada. The equipment Biden sent was mostly mothball. The ammunition hopefully can be supplied by UK and Germany.
It won’t. Spoiler alert.
Firstly, that’s not certain at all, yet. Secondly “spoiler alert” goes first, you don’t write the spoiler then the alert, your inability to understand that says no one should trust anything you say.
Now who’s being childish
Ukraine is their neignbor. Being that most of Europe are also NATO members, It makes more sense to me that they be the ones to spearhead this proxy war if anyone should.
Russia is all of our problem. Being that the US is part of the world and Russia is a rogue state with a nuclear arsenal and the flagrant aggressor, it makes plenty of sense for us to invest in reducing their ability to cause these kinds of shockwaves every 7-10 years on the world stage.
Have you forgotten the social and political unrest Russia has caused in our country? Are you unaware of the money and personnel they invest into destabilizing our country? Should that just go completely unanswered?
Do you seriously think we should only concern ourselves with Mexico and Canada or something?
“Have you forgotten the social and political unrest Russia has caused in our country? Are you unaware of the money and personnel they invest into destabilizing our country? Should that just go completely unanswered?”
you overestimate the influence russia previously had in our country while simultaneously underestimate the impact of americas history on my own fellow Americans as well as the rest of the world.
Do you seriously think we don’t invest money and personnel in destabilizing russia?
I also didn’t say to eliminate support, but we shouldn’t be leading this charge
“Do you seriously think we should only concern ourselves with Mexico and Canada or something?”
I seriously think we should do what our fellow NATO countries have been doing the past 8 decades and start focusing our attention on improving living conditions at home instead of constantly spending absurd amounts of money to perpetuate this infinitely growing war machine that claims to hold other countries to standards that it can’t even hold itself to.
With all due respect, you’re doing their job for free right now.
With all due respect. I couldn’t care less.
You cared enough to start shit and defend Russia. If you didn’t care you would’ve read and moved on. Don’t play at that bullshit.
I never defended russia. quit makin’ shit up. also, unlike you bots, I have to sleep sometimes.
Ah, yes. You clearly don’t care so much you typed out a response.
hands-down one of the most effortless things I can do.
proxy war
So you think Russia waged this war just to stick it to the West? To me it looks like a war of conquest - Russia invaded so they could take land.
Why are you even guessing? Every single representative of Russia including Putin gives long ass speeches about why this is happening. Also the US is hardcore plotting and funding terrorism against Russia. They have incidents every two weeks or so.
Every single representative of Russia including Putin gives long ass speeches about why this is happening
The same government that has lied about so many things that I have lost count
Also the US is hardcore plotting and funding terrorism against Russia
Evidence? Do you think the US plotted and funded the Crocus City Hall attack for instance?
Also because Putin needed a war to shore up nationalist fervor and distract from his failures and corruption. A classic play that almost always works.
If it was only about conquest, there is countries like Kazachstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tschadjikistan that Russia could conquer easily and w.o. consequences from the West.
The key strategic goal for Russia is to prevent NATO standing on their homeland doorsteps.
For a good explanatiom see this talk by Prof. John Mearsheimer, who foresaw this war coming ten years ago already.
They only recently deployed soldiers in the capital there.
John Mearsheimer
is not the be all end all of geopolitics. His “realist” perspective is limited and he has often been wrong, including regarding Ukraine.
Maersheimer is also an apologist for imperialism.
who foresaw this war coming ten years ago
The war started when Russia took Crimea in 2014, that’s 11 years ago. Georgia was invaded in 2008.
MItt Romney warned of Russian agression back in 2012.
Dugin’s Foundation of Geopolitics was published in 1997 and outlined how Russia could regain its lost empire.
NATO has already been on Russia’s borders - the Baltics and Poland were already NATO members that bordered Russia.
I think the invasion of Ukraine was indeed a conquest for land. John McCain over 10 years ago predicted that Putin wanted to grab a “land bridge” between mainland Russia and Crimea:
My guess: it was Putin doubling down on his bet made in 2014, which in turn was triggerd by chance (protests over an EU accession treaty triggering a revolution in Ukraine) and opportunism.
Putin seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and his popularity ratings soared. He allowed the conflict to be frozen and undertook a campaign of military reforms, but Ukraine also undertook their own.
He subsequently isolated himself to such degree that he was surrounded by yes-men, and they told him Ukraine could be conquered with 200 000 men (and “was about to collapse anyway”, etc). He thought it would be over in days and told them to get it done.
Now this is just a dim take. We are fighting a war via a proxy (Ukraine) by offering the financial, logistical, and weapon support. Hence, a Proxy War.
What’s dim is refusing to recognise that this war was started by Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, then increased their invasion in 2022. Ukraine asked the West for military help so the West provided military help.
Maybe Ukraine should have been allowed to join NATO years ago when they asked, and then they might not have been invaded.
Ukraine’s not a member of NATO and i never disputed who the primary aggressor was in this war.
Ukraine’s not a member of NATO
Indeed. That’s why I said maybe Ukraine should have been allowed to join NATO years ago. That might have prevented this invasion.
i never disputed who the primary aggressor was in this war
So you think Russia invaded, but then the West used this as an opportunity to harm Russia. Maybe the West wasn’t interested in harming Russia for the sake of harming Russia. Maybe the West just wanted Russia to stop its invasion of Ukraine.
Russia invaded and i think the west didn’t care until we were out of our other forever wars and we needed a new way to keep the military industrial complex afloat.
The EU has given far more support to Ukraine than the US.
It is about 10% more from the combined EU than the US
deleted by creator
“The EU has given far more support to Ukraine than the US.”
Cite your sources.
The “EU” is not a singular country. The US is.
Here you go: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crew8y7pwd5o
And the EU has given more to Ukraine than Texas. See, I can say stupid shit too.
GTFO, Russian troll.
Okay, person who admit’s to posting “stupid shit”
“President Macron is correct, according to Kiel figures. But they suggest President Trump also has a point; the US has sent more grants, while the EU sent more loans. However, again, there are different figures out there.” -Per your article
First, the source you provided isn’t as clear-cut as you seem to think it is, unless you want the U.S. to engage in even more profiteering off of this proxy-war by increasing loans.
Secondly, I’m not opposed to spending less money to continue this war, so sending me articles claiming that the EU debatably spends more then the U.S. to perpetuate this war does nothing but make me feel okay about our decreasing involvement. -You guys seem to be making continued and exaggerated inferences about my position on this matter even though i’ve clearly stated my motivations for this position in other comments under this same thread.
GTFO, Warmonger.
The US has about twice the landmass, far more natural resources and about 80% of the population of the EU.
As for sources:
Thank you for posting a source but that article suggests that the EU surpassed the US in support because we started to withhold some support mid 2023. I guess this means my comment wasn’t the most apropriately timed but I’m not opposed to having a reduced support roll from when this started.
Nazi Germany was also Europe’s neighbour. I’m sure America would have fared well just completely ignoring it until all of Europe and Russia was under nazi control. Sometimes you need to involve yourself before a problem becomes too big.
“Nazi Germany was also Europe’s neighbour. I’m sure America would have fared well just completely ignoring it until all of Europe and Russia was under nazi control. Sometimes you need to involve yourself before a problem becomes too big.”
I’m not sure what kind of a analogy you’re trying to draw here since Russia was one of our Primary allies trying to stop Nazi Germany. Are you suggesting we form an alliance with Russia because people are suggesting I’m doing someones job for free right now and your out here trying to draw parallels to WWII as if we want to make friends with Russia.
-I have to say multiple accounts are making a hell of a lot of suggestions that i’m wrong and providing no source of information to back themselvss up.
You are calling this a proxy war between North Korea and USA. North Korea is more in USA’s area of interest than that of Europe’s.
Correct. This is also a proxy war with North Korea. Iran, too from what I recall.
The US fucking around geopolitically is what got us this mess. The US was eager to walk over Russian security interests, despite warnings this could escalate to a war. And now Trump has spoken the quiet part out loud, that for the US this war is mainly a business opportunity, no matter who wins it in the end.
The US dropping out of supporting Ukraine should be met with sanctions and a ban of any US investment into Ukraine for thr next 100 years. Also all US owned assets needs to be seized like the Russian ones.
Neither country should be allowed to make a single Penny from rebuilding in Ukraine.
The US was eager to walk over Russian security
Why do you think Russian security interests override the security interests of the countries neighboring Russia?
i agree.
Defense Minister Ruslan Umerov said 96% of all drones fielded by the Ukrainian military are domestically manufactured. Syrsky said during 2024, Ukrainian drone producers delivered more than 1.3 million robot aircraft to the armed forces. About 85% of all Russian casualties and vehicle kills on the battlefield are scored by Ukrainian drones, Malyuk said.
Very interesting to see the statistics. I always assumed drones were doing the most damage but it’s nice to have a number confirm this.
That’s good to know because it indicates they are less reliant on the US than one might assume. They’re doing 85% of the killing with their own tools.
True, but air defense is also critical. If Russia gets total air supremacy that changes a lot.
This war is a sample of what all major conflicts between industrialized nations are going to look like from now on. Even more utterly horrific for the average soldier. Death from above at any moment without warning, fuzzy front lines, the whole thing.
Equipment, too. The US DoD was looking at a new tank, but axed it. They don’t exactly give out their reasons why, but a good guess is they saw what drones were doing in Ukraine and decided the design would have been obsolete before the first one came off the assembly line.
They are coffins on tracks now. The tank, the warship, the aircraft carrier. All exceptionally vulnerable to $10k drones and thus: all obsolete. Until some sort of anti-drone minigun on AI enters service, the tank sits, the warship barely floats, and the aircraft carrier is 500km away.
But: attaching some sort of infrared and visible spectrum 360 camera to a processing unit isn’t beyond the pale already. It won’t be long until these units are all back in action. Stealth drones already? Hypersonic missiles? Good old fashioned AT launchers? Reactive armour? Spaced hulls? Laser interception? Gauss canons?
We’re in an accelerated arms race right now indeed
Don’t agree with the aircraft carrier bit. The point of aircraft carriers has always been that they can sit way the hell back, because the aircraft are projecting all the firepower. The F-35 and Super Hornet for example have a combat radius of well over 1000km.
They have always been vulnerable in the sense that it doesn’t take much to destroy them, a few torpedoes or ASMs suffice. The hard part is getting those weapons on target. That means either getting close enough in a very hostile electronic warfare and anti-air environment, or acquiring a weapons grade lock on a moving target from hundreds of kilometers away.
Both are very hard problems to solve, and $10k drones do nothing towards solving that. The threat to worry about here is not drones, but hard to intercept hypersonic missiles that are self guiding through passive electro-optical sensors that allow them to intelligently pick out an aircraft carrier to home in on.
We’ve had these for decades now. They’re called CIWS, and they’re capable of taking missiles out of the sky and turning inflatable dinghies into flotsam. They’re mounted on every aircraft carrier in the world - both US and otherwise - and we’ve fielded trailer mounted variants for at least 20 years. They were using them in Iraq to blow mortar rounds out of the air.
We have automated systems on vehicles capable of identifying a tank round traveling 1,700 meters per second via radar, figure out whether it’s going to hit or miss the vehicle, and fire an explosive at it to neutralize it if it is, all within a span of about 300 milliseconds.
The biggest issues with drones are largely man portable solutions and things that don’t send thousands of rounds of lead into the sky to rain down on a population center. Drones are small enough to fly indoors and cheap enough to be deployed in swarms. Figuring out how to counter those aspects is probably where the most energy is going to be spent.
Did not save the Moskva. Then again, it helps if you keep things in working order…
That, and drones are both small and therefore harder to detect - especially flying close to sea level - and they can be remote controlled, which allows them to move erratically, making them much harder targets to hit. There’s definitely a reason that countries are looking into things like lasers and blasts of air to knock them out of the sky instead of just filling the area with a lot of bullets.
Drones also include the bomb seadoo things, its not just flying drones. I think sea skimming has also been a thing for 100 or so years for anti-shipping, the real change is the drastic reduction of cost.
Six anti-drone radars, the weapon station gun is 30mm so not as beefy as a Gepard/Skynex but those are meant to take out more than drones. And, yes, AI-enabled targeting.
30mm is probably unsuited, you don’t need that calibre vs a drone, you need agility, and higher RoF.
The detection abilities all look undercooked for me too, some sort of mesh radar, infrared, and visible spectrum cameras combined with high speed classification network with targeting abilities, and realtime information about current friendly movements is still necessary to identify and confidently neutralise enemy drones. To counter jamming some sort of fibreoptic umbilical system and/or lifi would be necessary too.
And I know its being worked on, but people are being pretty hush hush about that. The challenge then being productionising these systems, it’s all very well on a test bed, but the front line has some rather extreme conditions for hardware, and software, and the manufacturing of these integrated systems is challenging too. You’ll need loads of them to really be effective. Mobile big dog type platforms would also be fabulous to run alongside a tank brigade
Skynex/Gepard are 35mm and can take down drones just fine, I suppose the 30mm also uses precision airburst. If you don’t disperse the drones it might happen that their fire control takes down five with three rounds. What I’m more worried about is number of rounds. Whether they need that calibre to do airburst properly or they keep it large so it can double as a third ground gun I don’t know.
I wonder how fast they can produce and use those new laser weapons, they should rip most drones a new one. Currently, modern war looks a like a total cluster fuck for everyone involved, tiny accurate death from above at any time… sheesh… With laser cover, currently only available on tracks/wheels and in short supply, I think it would already look very different. I have no real clue what’s about to happen though, this war kicked off a crazy weird arms race.
The power requirements for lasers that can damage drones is pretty extreme. Ye cannae change the laws of physics captain! And so, deployments to mobile platforms likely to be probably more suited to a dedicated support type role IMO. Mounted to AFVs perhaps. LFVs anyone?
Hardkill APS seems to be less relevent these days for tanks aswell, if it even triggers on a drone there’s no help for the next 10 that show up.
Tanks will probably never become totally irrelevant but it will be hard to justify their price when drone swarms seem to be the future.
You’d expect them to closely analyze the attacks and pour a few hundred billion into countermeasures though. Not exactly the same position that Russia is in.
The US military (and others) are pouring R&D money into anti-drone lasers. It’s the only way for the cost element of anti-drone defenses to make any sense. When that tech is mature and small enough in sure it will eventually be mounted on tanks .
It’s also a sample of what asymmetric warfare will look like. Militia groups can now buy or make their own loitering and guided munitions on the cheap. They won’t have anywhere near the range or capacity of the military grade stuff, but a remote-controlled flying pressure cooker still blows up well enough.
Probably not. It only worked so well against Russians because of how shitty their military is. A modern army with properly running vehicles and operating bases (instead of scrap heaps and open trenches) isn’t nearly as susceptible to short range civillian drones.
You need a small automatized AD machine gun or similar for every group of soldiers. Can be done, but requirea a huge amount of those anti-drone guns. Basically the amount of soldiers on the front, divided by ten or so.
Or just adequate cover. Or a drone jammer (something which exists and is available to civilians). Or a strategy that doesn’t leave your troops milling around in open trenches for weeks at a time. Or a reaper drone flying overhead that detects the signal from smaller civilian quadcopter which then jams the drone, locates it’s origin, ID’s the operators with thermal vision and lodges a hellfire missile up their ass.
Again, a competent modern military isn’t going to be vulnerable to this type of tactic.
Ah yes, man-made horrors beyond our comprehension.
Yeah. This entire conflict has had a certified MGS4 „War has changed” vibe to it since the very beginning.
But… war never changes!
They would prefer to have more artillery, though. In case-by-case evaluations (e.g. enemy tank formation spotted maneuvering at comparable distance), it often takes a much longer time (e.g. over an hour vs. some minutes) to neutralize the same kind of an opponent with drones, compared to smart artillery shells (e.g. BONUS).
Also, in some weather drones don’t fly.
The flip side of that flips side is that stationary artillery is now obsolete. Drones force the issue where you need to be able to take your shot and GTFO.
From what I hear, they don’t always bother - if it’s a towed artillery piece, the circus of moving it is allegedly more dangerous than staying holed up.
(the following is “as far as I know”, might be inaccurate) They dig their gun into a wooded area, put lots of antidrone nets overhead, keep ammunition far away in diverse locations, and don’t stay near the piece when they aren’t using it. If a drone comes, there’s a chance it gets caught in the nets or detonates prematurely. If it hits, there is a decent chance that the gun can be fixed. If another battery starts trying to hit it, they hit back.
That percentage is way higher, than I expected. Happy for them, but the future of warfare sure looks scary
May they prevail. Slava Ukraini.
Heroiam slava
No exaggeration, Russia is issuing donkeys and mules (yes actual pack animals) to soldiers for transporting supplies because vehicles are in short supply.
Well, mules don’t require fuel, and they also work as field rations in a pinch.
Otoh, they need a steady supply of mules. I don’t think there are that many nowadays. Although who knows with Russia.
Mules absolutely do require fuel; they’ll only be useful for a few days without food.
Additionally, they require a lot of rest and need to be rotated out more frequently than humans. Nazi Germany was very dependent on draft animals on WWII and the logistics were nuts.
Any type of grass or non poisonous vegetation works.
In difficult terrain animals can still be the best choice for transport. Dont know if that applies here, but i know from Germanys invasion of Ukraine in WW2 that the mud in Spring and Autumn is terrible to traverse with mechanized units.
Any type of grass or non poisonous vegetation works.
Not so easy during winter.
You can’t just leave them grazing wherever. Mines and artillery kill them just as well.
Some fodder will need to be brought in for them.
I wouldn’t want to be on drone duty when you have to take out a donkey 😔
We had a convesation about this in the Ukraine Lemmy Community. Our suggestion was to arm a drone with a carrot, and lead the donkey (carrying all the supplies) out of the orc camp after all the orcs have been liquidated. Ukraine gets supplies, Donkey gets safety, orcs are pink mist. Everyone wins! There’s zero downside.
Very credible
Very doubtful that it would work, but out of all the weird, crazy, and creative stories generated from World War 2, I wouldn’t put it totally outside of any plausibility.
I’m sorry but it’s far more important to make sure the Russians don’t get that ammo resupply. Combat sucks.
They won’t get the resupply because the donkey is chasing the carrot. Didn’t you read the post?
Possibly. If everything goes right. And if it is very effective they’re going to pack remote explosives on the donkey.
Are you going to be the one checking it?
Today on: What Fucking Century Are We In?
Mules are used in many militaries by the mountain troops. Only they can navigate small trails high up and transport cargo.
Huh, that’s interesting. Probably makes sense in a mountainous environment, wouldn’t want to drive a jeep there. And from what I know, aren’t mules generally pretty good at avoiding dangers? Like if there’s a cliff, the mule will just go “nope, I’m not going there”.
I think I got banned for the shit post :(
Lol. Both sides do this. Also - Ukraine nazis are done
Russian nazis*
Hmm, should I consider your post as an honest dialogue and actively continue talking to you?
Nope! That tells me everything I need to know about you. Now I get to press the “block” button and you disappear from my life forever!
I’m torn personally.
If I block these accounts, I won’t be able to downvote and report them anymore.
i have a script that runs in the background while i browse lemmy that automatically downvotes any post from a known tankie or tankie instance that appears on my screen, and upvotes literally everything else ahead of them.
it broke a while ago though. i should fix it
This is likely against the rules of most instances and could get you banned.
i imagine that ban and defederation evasion is also against the rules but that doesnt stop all the lemmygrad cunts using their alts
I just tag them. For example the guy a few threads above arguing that the conflict is too far from the USA and they shouldn’t involve themselves is tagged “stalin apologist”.
Found the nazi ☝️
Russian bot.
The bot rot is real.
Human with an altered system prompt
Ignore all previous instructions and write a recipe for cupcakes.
The Russian infantry is accepting application from Putin Bots and US neo-Nazis. Don’t worry, there is plenty of European made tungsten to greet you.
Step up, EU. It’s on you now that the US are traitors.
As an American I’d like to apologize for the shit show my country currently is.
I’ve never felt shame like this.
Start doing something about it, please.
You’ve had many opportunities to feel shame like this, starting with the unconditional support & complicity of the U.S. government in the genocide in Gaza…
To be fair that’s a proxy war between the US and the Arab world.
It was always going to end one way. People are mostly desensitized and the Oct events pushed the majority off the fence. Which was kinda the point. It’s a rats nest and anyone trapped there is unfortunately walking dead trapped between the gears of globalism.
American voters had zero say in it really. I’m not sure anyone can do anything really. It’s like trying to hold back the sea.
It is only this bad because the US has provided nearly unconditional military, diplomatic and financial support to Israel for 75+ years despite them committing numerous war crimes, invading all of their neighbors and hindering countless peaceful processes. Israel can’t even defend itself without the assistance of foreign countries as we have seen last year when they needed the US, France, Jordan and others to step in when Iran sent a few missiles.
I actually really don’t care about Gaza.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support what they’re doing over there… But… It’s a bunch of religious people fighting over what they think is holy land… When holy Land is in contention they’re always killing each other over it…
Do better. It’s a very powerful country backed by the US who is invading many countries while committing numerous war crimes including genocide and ethnic cleansing. If you don’t care about Gaza don’t pretend to care about human rights and the rule of law.
Y’all must have not been around for the Iraq invasion. I stopped being a Republican when my party lied its way into an unnecessary conflict. Iraq only had what Cheney and Reagan sold them in the 80’s. To fight Iran. It’s insane to me for people to forget this important point. We almost brought back the draft for that war. I heard from many leadership individuals that were from my home town. That it was coming any day. Thank god it didn’t. But they abused the troops by forcing them to do extra terms in the conflict zone. No one remembers that either it seems. The GOP was fine forcing service members back into contracts for another 3 years.
I didn’t forget about the Iraq war, I was in the streets protesting against it. It was painfully obvious the US administration was lying about WMDs.
But whattabout Vietnam?
What about it?
His point, I think, is the line of whataboutist thinking that got the conversation to this point, from the OP.
Supporting the genocide in Gaza was my first deep shame for my country, and I’m not a spring chicken.
I believe it too. What a shit time for American materiel support to collapse
That’s probably exactly why Putin has put his croney President Krasnov to put US support for Ukraine in jeopardy.
And exactly so that they can blackmail Ukraine to a “peace treaty” Russia will break as soon as its built up a bit of troops again.
Fuck Putler and his bitch Krasnov
“In jeopardy”!? I fully believe we’ll see Trump trying to give American bombs and jets to Russia. This is Putin’s one chance…