From Facebook: Meanwhile in Canada

Trump’s Lies About Canada Vs. Reality Subsidies/Trade Deficit Trump Lie: Trump said March 13: “In the case of Canada, we’re spending $200 billion a year to subsidize Canada.” Reality: Trump has repeatedly exaggerated the U.S.-Canada trade deficit which is closer to $35.7 billion, according to the latest trade data released from the U.S. Census Bureau on March 6. The overwhelming driver of the deficit with Canada is that the U.S. buys a lot of unrefined oil from Canada. If you take out energy (that the USA desperately needs AND gets from us at a discount!), Canada is running a small deficit with the United States.

Dairy Trump Lie: Trump said on March 7: “In Canada, we find that they’re charging us over 200% for dairy products” Reality: The over 200% tariffs on U.S. dairy products are only triggered if U.S. dairy exports exceed certain yearly duty-free limits, and U.S. dairy manufacturers say they have never been close to exceeding these limits. These tariffs were negotiated during the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which Mr. Trump signed during his first term.

Fentanyl Trump Lie: March 4: “They have allowed fentanyl to come into our country at levels never seen before, killing hundreds of thousands of our citizens.” Reality: Trump cited Canada’s failure to halt the flow of illicit drugs as a reason for imposing tariffs, saying that fentanyl has been coming from the country “at levels never seen before.” He claimed, “The fentanyl coming through Canada is massive.” In 2024, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol seized 43 pounds of fentanyl at the U.S.-Canada border, accounting for roughly 0.2% of all fentanyl seized by CBP that year. By contrast, approximately 21,100 pounds — about 96.6% of the total — was seized at U.S.-Mexico border.

    6 days ago

    I mean, it’s not like it really matters with him. He’ll always be right, just as we will also be always right. And his followers will believe him no matter what undeniable proof is presented.

    Macron literally corrected him on the EU vs USA aid to Ukraine as he pouted in front of the cameras. Days later he reiterates the exact same lies he told in front of Macron.

    We should still preach the truth no matter what, don’t let them silence us with their lies. Even if they don’t want to they’ll have to acknowledge them even if the people have to impose free will and equality again, because they are certainly finding ways to force the people to accept their lies by force and their totalitarian rule.

    6 days ago

    Truth doesn’t matter to cults, they make up their reality as they go along. It doesn’t need to make sense, it just needs to be spewed out in a constant torrent.

      6 days ago

      Sounds like pp and how he talks/acts/targets people with garbage. It’s all nonsense and he should never be trusted.

    6 days ago

    If we’re in the business of fact checking Trump’s insane delusions, it should be pointed out that the US is not, in fact, spending any amount to “subsidize” Canada. That’s not how trade deficits work.

    They spend money to buy goods and services from us. We spend money to buy goods and services from them. They buy slightly more from us than we buy from them. That’s it, that’s all the trade deficit is. No one is losing money in this arrangement, because there are things of value being exchanged for that money.

    You have a trade deficit with your local grocery store. Your workplace has a trade deficit with you. The idea that we would ever live in a world without trade deficits is insane. To paraphrase Mark Blyth, if we all run surpluses then who the fuck are we selling to?

    6 days ago

    If anyone can compile the list of sources about these, it’ll be easier for everyone to cite them