As a child I loaded an air rifle with pixie stix and shot my shirtless friend in the chest with it.
In my mind, it was going to be like some three stooges cloud of flour that would turn his face pink kind of like this. (Best I could find)
What happened instead was his entire chest was pouring blood and filled with burning pixie stix powder. I’m so glad I didn’t shoot him in the face. See, I was aiming for my brother who was the same height as me at the time and my buddy happened to be the one who came through the door.
He was a damn good friend too. The adults weren’t brought in on the matter. We cleaned the wounds with peroxide and waited years to tell anyone haha.
We would’ve gotten along famously lol. We used to treat cartoons like instruction manuals for fun and cool shit, none of it worked like on TV of course, but still lots of (often painful) fun to be had.
Bedsheets do not in fact make an adequate parachute for a second story jump, btw.
And someone else clarified “burning” as in sensation, not fire, that makes more sense! Still wondering how that managed to break skin but the burning I understand now lol.
As a child I loaded an air rifle with pixie stix and shot my shirtless friend in the chest with it.
In my mind, it was going to be like some three stooges cloud of flour that would turn his face pink kind of like this. (Best I could find)
What happened instead was his entire chest was pouring blood and filled with burning pixie stix powder. I’m so glad I didn’t shoot him in the face. See, I was aiming for my brother who was the same height as me at the time and my buddy happened to be the one who came through the door.
He was a damn good friend too. The adults weren’t brought in on the matter. We cleaned the wounds with peroxide and waited years to tell anyone haha.
God I miss being a kid. I miss my old friends.
Learning is fun.
Spoken like a true Dwarf Fortress veteran
Strike the earth!
We would’ve gotten along famously lol. We used to treat cartoons like instruction manuals for fun and cool shit, none of it worked like on TV of course, but still lots of (often painful) fun to be had.
Bedsheets do not in fact make an adequate parachute for a second story jump, btw.
Learned second hand that umbrellas also don’t work well as parachutes. My cousin was the first hand
victimexperimenterDie, Mary Poppins, die! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
I hope it at least had the good manners to do the comical “collapse up / backwards on itself” thing!
It was a table height fall, roughly 1 meter, not enough for that to happen.
Lol eh, that sounds pretty hilarious
Were the stix still wrapped or did you dump the powder, and where did the burning come from in an air rifle?
Burning because sugar doesn’t feel good in blood, not because it was on fire.
Ooooohhhhhh ok I thought you/they meant like singed lol, that makes more sense!
I’m not the previous commenter, just an interpreter, but happy to help :)
The powder was dumped into the air rifle and shot at my friend.
And someone else clarified “burning” as in sensation, not fire, that makes more sense! Still wondering how that managed to break skin but the burning I understand now lol.
This is the answer. He said over and over again, “it buuuurns, oh god it buuuuurns!” Haha
We just used pellets or bbs and wore Canadian tuxedos. No head shots allowed. Airsoft and paintball didn’t exist. But air rifles did.
Bb gun fights were the best. Topped only by Roman candle fights, and we had some epic, like 10v10 ones spanning entire parks.