this is cool, its what was promised back when we were still building a good understanding of stem cells. any experts in here care to share their opinion?
is that even viable? could we adopt that to cure paralysis from now on? how long is the road until this is reality?
Anecdotally, I have seen a case of “stem cells tourism” where the patient traveled to a foreign country to get stem cells injected into their spine. Can’t remember why they paid for this treatment. When they came back to their home country they started developing multiple spinal tumors due to the injections…causing significant morbidity. It honestly sounded like a horrifying case. Apparently this is not unheard of. I work in healthcare, but do not have a direct patient care facing role, so unfortunately I do not know what ended up happening to the patient.
this is horrible. makes me wonder what happened to the people trying to inject themselves with crispr at home, back when it was making headlines.
So it’s the miracle cure everyone has known about for decades