…not one mention of calling an ambulance.
jesussswept… its just a joke, stop arguing over the logic of it. Humour is the suspension of logic ffs.
…not one mention of calling an ambulance.
jesussswept… its just a joke, stop arguing over the logic of it. Humour is the suspension of logic ffs.
Oh I know what you mean alright. It’s just that it’s a joke. Do you think super-hero jokes aren’t funny because super-heroes don’t exist in real life?
Just suspend your disbelief and enjoy the joke. Or not. It’s just pointless to dissect a joke in such a serious manner.
I’m sorry I didn’t enjoy the joke as the fallacy was all I saw. It wasn’t funny to me.
I’m not sure you grasp the fallacy as your examples are not fallacies.
It’s not that the book was unbelievable like a super-hero, it was just that the punchline did away with the dying part, which is what I saw as the setup in the joke.
Lol okay. Whatever you say. This is a dad joke community. The jokes don’t have to be funny by definition. It’s a dad joke!
Have a nice day.
You’re the one misunderstanding I think. The person is still going to die at some point, but the idea is that it’s vital to call the ambulance BEFORE they die, otherwise they will die quicker and the ambulance won’t be able to help. That said, everything you ever do is something you do before you die.