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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024

  • I hear you, and that’s a valid point, but I see that more as a function of our insatiable need for the primary driver of our destruction: growth/metastasis.

    Growth is precisely what is destroying us. We need to find homeostasis with this world. We need to slow down, stop expanding supply chains, and work on making what powers these 100% clean first and foremost. Because right now, most electrics are functionally dirty too, their pollution just happens higher up the chain.

    We won’t do that of course, because the reality is most people in the developed world need to accept that wasteful things like fast food, ridiculous amounts of meat, and plastic that serves no necessary purpose, everything from pop figures to disposable water bottles available to people with reusable vessels out of convenience, need to be made illegal yesterday if we want our species to have a decent future.

    But our creature comforts are more important to us, and we will punish any politicians that try to call for genuine sacrifice. 🔥🤷🔥

  • It’s a Tesla problem in that it is a bumrushing tech that hasn’t matured for what it’s being used for because profit motive.

    And no, if the tech isn’t mature to be both useful AND safe in the event of failure operating in the world, it belongs in the lab, not up for sale.

    We shouldn’t be mass producing any vehicles that become bombs/environmental disasters that standard fire and rescue can’t appropriately address with reasonable tools upon crashing, because they inevitably will.

    Its a market capitalism problem. Fire, ready, aim because rush the pos to sale. Musk is certainly a standard bearer as a prominent “get government and society’s wellbeing out of the way of my quarterly profit expectations” asshole sociopath capitalist.

  • “Sorry we don’t live our lives for the opportunity to destroy ourselves for senpai company owner like you.”

    My supervisor doesn’t know how to maintain what I build, despite me attempting to show her. At this point, we openly pity each other, her because I have no desire to do more than what my job entails, take the paycheck, and leave to go live my life, and I because she proudly has no life to go home to because she spends 12 hours a day plus here acting like Jesus on the cross for the greedy, indifferent owner.

  • As someone on their second foldable, fold 3 now fold 6, the crease is truly, I promise you, a non issue. Unless you’re doing detained drawing with the S-pen, not my use case, it has no meaningful effect on the experience. For single person consumption, you almost have to consciously try to position it in a way that’s visible when watching a video, for example.

    I’d actually miss the crease, as it gives the screen a kind of magic book-esque quality. The biggest problem with foldables in my experience is the odd aspect ratio universal to all of them, something a tri fold design may actually mitigate.

  • We’ll never get over our worship of them, because it is engineered.

    The media machines they own, including every market news site, fills every stream with deceptive articles of the 8 things billionaires do that made them rich and the 7 the plebs do that stop them from being billionaires, constantly defying them while shaming you for not being like or serving them better.

    The natural state for any society where the elites live large while the masses struggle to survive is to DESPISE the elites, whether violent recourse would be suicide or not.

    The love/deification for our elites by many of those they oppress is part of their engineered propaganda to keep it that way with their bully pulpit artificially, and that pulpit is more than loud enough to drown out and ruin the credibility of any prominent voices of reason. Easier for them to maintain the market capitalist machine like this than through overt slavery, they just convince the masses it’s in their interests to self-enslave.

  • This guy was a gleefully inhuman monster who hurt people for fun decades before he was even President.

    Just as with Ronald Reagan, some people just do so much harm to others unrepentantly for fun and profit, that I can very much revel in their pain/decline/confusion and sleep like a baby.

    I don’t subscribe to the pure model of “treat others as you would have them treat you.” Humans abuse that and it makes you a mark.

    My version is “In a vacuum, be kind, but once someone shows you who they are, treat others how they treat others.”

  • Humans play pretend we own the Earth, then get angry at each other while carving it up a little finer and finer, usually with blood or threats of blood.

    The reality is, Earth owns us. Always has. We are subject to it.

    We’ve been very, very naughty subjects.

    Earth is in the process of handling us for that.

    If you disagree with any of this, knock yourself out, the Earth doesn’t care. All the corporate and governmental attempts at ignoring/bribing/negotiating with physics for decades as they forcefeed a willfully ignorant populace microplastics has been gallows hilarious though. Should have been a better species. 🤷‍♂️

    (On the bright side, the capitalists, fascists, and greed apologists will all get what’s coming to them, and the cultures that did live in homeostasis with the Earth, who were largely killed in the name of profit and conquest, may have been exterminated, but they will not have to experience the shame of watching the world end by their own greedy hands.)