I see that as the european version.
I see that as the european version.
I dont have any canadian tire near me as I live in europe. What do you advice?
Oh yeah, anarcho capitalism and economic libertarians never fail. Its always socialism, communism, people fault.
Oh, that sucks. Now I understand why you want a third party controller.
Use wd40 specialist for eletronics and clean your controller. Had drift 4 years ago and after cleaning them with that product never had that issue again.
That should be common sense, you arrive from street let the shoes at the door or outside if you can, wash your hands. You’re in the street Shopping or using public transportation, dont touch your face, wash your hands when you arrive somewhere.
It doubles as a multi sports field whenever the europeans are not training in their homegym.
I would be in the other chair.
Oh for fuck sake, its your wife, go with her. Its not like to eat shitty for one lunch or another that is going to make your lite ruin.
The soil composition, minerals and nutrients can change the eletrical resistance. Thats what i read somewhere.
Do they really work?
You do understand you’re not doing your cause any favours by being a fundamentalist right?
Do you have proof he knows anything besides testimonies from people that work for him?
There is a lot of great advice in this thread, but I just want to post a quote that I like the meaning. ‘Women are not a objective, they’re a consequence’. So invest in yourself, like so many others have said, and get out there and something will happen.
Why? I’m serious, I have a fridge for 6 years and its good for the money. I’m not defending Samsung and I dont care about brands, so I’m genuinaly asking what is your ground for that affirmation?
There is a lot of People with a copy of Wikipedia. Just for the case something happens. I dont think he is making fun of you.
How does that boot tastes?
What do you play?