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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • There is definitely a small set of powerful, rich, and influential people who “benefit”, but I don’t think it’s a pyramid of nefarious overlords so much as it is just a large web of people acting on their own interests.

    The same could be said for people with crab mentality. They are acting on their impulses, values, and opinions, born from likely unfortunate circumstances, when they drag their immediate others down. They aren’t thinking about holding society back at large.

    Those are all just crabs in the bucket. Some of the more aggressively single-minded ones are nearer to the top of the pile than others.

  • It’s still not a justifiable reason to neglect 50% of the population under the incorrect assumption that human physiology is the same across the board.

    I’m not sure who’s worse. The people planning research who still mistakenly believe that it’s correct to just study one group and presume it applies to a group that would have been more complicated to study or the ones who know it doesn’t work that way but just pretend it does because it’s more convenient.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are contexts where doing an imperfect job now and trying to fill in the details later is the best strategy. But I don’t believe that’s actually what’s going on most of the time.

  • People refuse to try to address that sort of wooly thinking when it is low stakes then when it becomes high stakes act shocked to see the people around them acting irrationally. One’s hypothetical friend who refused to take the vaccine because they thought it had a mind control chip in it and died as a result invariably was previously banging on about how their acupuncturist was going to help them win the lottery and people simply indulged them because “what’s the harm in them having funny beliefs about things?” The only time you actually could get through to people around you about these harmful ways of thinking is when it’s about things that don’t really matter much. If you wait until it’s life or death it’s too late to get though to them.