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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Firefighters — who once backed the DeSantis takeover — are among those furious about the changes

    “I didn’t think the leopards would eat my face.”

    benefits like park passes are unethical.

    Wtf. Perks are win-win. It’s a trivial expense to allow employees to use existing company assets, but it’s very valuable to the employees. Boss gets happy employees for less expense. Both sides are happy. No, that’s bad because:

    “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God,” the passage began. “And those which exist are established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.”

    Ok, I didn’t see anything about perks there, but this logic supports gassing Jews (what the local authority wanted) and condemns smuggling them out of Germany (opposing God apparently).

    These people are dangerously insane.

  • I remember hearing an interview with him many years ago, and he shared a story about the shenanigans he got up to as a kid… he was into phone phreaking (used to be you could control the entire phone system by playing specific tones into any phone) and reprogrammed the phone system to think his friend’s home phone was a pay phone. His friend’s mom would try to call someone and the phone would ask her to deposit 20c. She was furious, and sent her son over to demand he fix it immediately.

    I always thought that was one of the best pranks ever. RIP to a legend.

  • I have zero interest in the micro-transaction VTT that WoTC seems to be moving towards. If they quit supporting pencil & paper tables, we’ll stick with 5e/pf2e

    I imagine they’ll make giant fistfuls of money though. Lowing the bar to play by having the server deal with the crunch, gee-whiz graphics, customizable avatars … I suspect they’ll onboard a bunch of Fortnite kids who are used to paying for skins.

    Get off my lawn. We used to play D&D uphill.