
Tech nerd from Sweden

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It would be great to have closer ties to Asia. The concern is the imperialist claims to Taiwan and the whole Xi dictatorship thing. We have already learned what trading with an imperialist dictator does to Europe after Putin. Just blindly jumping into a closer relationship with Xi without a carrot and stick and without building closer cultural ties to the Chinese, Tibetan, and Uighur people, will only backfire for Europe.

    It’s not a cold war, a trade war, or any sort of economic competition thing, it’s just concern over the volatility and human rights issues of dictatorships.

    As an aside, Sanchez is missing the fact that the EV tarriffs were implemented in response to excessive state aid by the PRC. It’s not good for him to promise to drop the tarriffs without committing to more negotiation regarding the EU’s concerns about state aid.

  • You’re mixing two different kinds of inequality here, The top graph is wealth (aka savings), while the bottom one is income. Wealth is the much harder one to crack, and Sweden actually has much higher wealth inequality than all of the other countries being compared.

    It’s worth noting that one of the main reasons that Sweden has relatively equal income before tax is because of the way the tax system works. Because social security contributions cap out at ~$70k/year, similar to the US, but there is no similar cut off for social security payroll taxes, employers generally pay their employees in dividends and private pensions instead of income, above that $70k level. Taxes are generally flat in Sweden, though.

    - a swede

  • Just a historical comparison I’m making based on the Wikipedia articles for the Kosovo War.



    A NATO-facilitated ceasefire between the KLA and Yugoslav forces was signed on 15 October 1998, but both sides broke it two months later and fighting resumed. When the killing of 45 Kosovar Albanians in the Račak massacre was reported in January 1999, NATO decided that the conflict could only be settled by introducing a military peacekeeping force to forcibly restrain the two sides.[50] Yugoslavia refused to sign the Rambouillet Accords, which among other things called for 30,000 NATO peacekeeping troops in Kosovo; an unhindered right of passage for NATO troops on Yugoslav territory; immunity for NATO and its agents to Yugoslav law; and the right to use local roads, ports, railways, and airports without payment and requisition public facilities for its use free of cost.[51][35] NATO then prepared to install the peacekeepers by force, using this refusal to justify the bombings.

    It took years of fighting, but eventually both sides’ refusal to sign a ceasefire was used as justification for NATO to neutralize the military forces in the region.

  • The issue is that Israel is an apartheid state, as understood by the UN. It’s one thing if civilians on annexed territory had equal rights as Israeli citizens, but instead civilians are treated inhumanely in violation of international law. Civilians are tried in military court, evicted from their homes by occupying settlers, and generally do not have equal rights under the law.

    It is a concerted effort not just to annex territory, but also to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from occupied land. Ethics regarding annexation aside, the war in Israel isn’t about simple annexation.