A woman in Colorado has been arrested after police caught her with expIosives at a TesIa dealership, police said.
The 40-year-old suspect, Lucy Grace Nelson, was arrested on Monday after the Loveland Police Department launched an “extensive investigation” following a series of vandaIizations at the dealership in Loveland, Colorado.
Something like that would be damn near untraceable. As long as you are far away enough and are long gone before anyone notices… and maybe even have a timer to start to give you even more time to disappear they would never be able to find you.
This goes double if you are in an area without a lot of cameras and thus video surveillance canvassing won’t be of much else.
You could even launch it from an extreme distance away. Launch it from the middle of a state forest, in a different state from the target. Have it programmed to fly to a remote location at the limit of its range, then land in a discreet location. Charge its batteries via solar power, then go again. A drone could hopscotch its way to target hundreds of miles away with this method. If you’re worried about a drone successfully making it, then launch a dozen of them. You could even build in a self-destruct mechanism. If the drone ever becomes stuck, or if someone tries to pick it up or move it, have it literally announce “this drone will self-destruct in 20 seconds.” As soon as anyone picks it up, this sequence activates. it gives a warning and then sets off the incendiary. Every incendiary drone has a built-in self-destruct.