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This is kind of ridiculous.
You can’t win in this country without being a member of one of the two parties. They’ve seen sure to that. In addition, you can’t get the money needed to run a campaign without approval from those parties.
It’s the parties that decide who is on the ballot, not the people. And it’s the parties who control the purse strings.
No candidate on the ballot is trying to help the common people. No matter who you choose, it’s not going to help the situation. We can talk about harm reduction or lesser evils all day, but when you choose lesser evil, you’re still choosing evil and the country trends towards more evil. When you’re reducing harm, you’re still accepting some amount of harm, not cure.
Companies that are replacing humans with autonomous trucks should have to pay to retrain the work force they’re removing from the economy.
No ads. Ads shouldn’t clutter up any part of this world.
Do you hibernate for winter?
You can read in dreams, but usually the text changes if you look away and look back. That’s the “dream check” most teach when explaining lucid dreaming.
There’s exceptions to this. Text that is strongly associated with images may stay static, e.g. a brand logo, but I find it’s incredibly hard for documents and books to retain their information.
Buddy, if you’ve eaten at a restaurant, you’ve had worse.
Yeah it BLOWS! I make my own now, way better and cheaper.
Seriously, it’s already impossible to get a decently spicy hot sauce at the grocery store.
Even the stuff covered in skulls or warnings or labeled “ghost pepper” are so diluted that they hardly count. Look, they’re hot, but ghost pepper in particular has become a buzzword, turning it nigh meaningless in determining how hot a sauce will be. Such a shame, too, as the ghost pepper has a delightful high intensity, low burn heat and sweet finish.
Yeah, but there are hotter peppers and foods available and the jalapeño is an incredibly mild pepper, it’s barely spicy and not a good comparison.
Challenge foods and sauces in general tend to also use pure capsaicin extract to really bring home the heat, but this tends to affect the flavor and make it bitter and unpleasant. Foods shouldn’t be “challenging” you to eat them and then artificially raising the stakes. It’s hard enough to get decently hot foods as it is, having to keep an eye out for companies “cheating” by using the pure extract from the peppers is annoying.
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Idk how far you are into the game, but “Skyrim in space” is a shockingly apt reduction of the story.
It’s okay, they never have anything interesting or useful to say anyway. They are cardboard cutouts of tropes as deep as the petri dish used to grow their faces.
But it is funny to see three of them walk uncomfortably close to one another in tight, uniform formation before turning simultaneously to look at me and utter forth a generic attempt at local color.
Capsaicin extract should be banned from food in general.
It’s unpleasant and tastes astringent, unlike the capsaicin coming naturally from peppers.
I’ll regularly eat incredibly spicy foods, I grow Naga, scorpion and ghost chilis, and I love the thrill of these treats, but also the flavor. Capsaicin extract is immediately detectable because the flavor and feel of the heat is different and unpleasant. It isn’t that it’s “too spicy”, it feels bad to eat.
If your heat doesn’t come from a pepper included in the recipe, it shouldn’t be consumed.
“Bushel and a peck, and a squeeze around the neck” is a quote from a song from Guys and Dolls.
Your grandmother may have been a fan of musical theater.
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