“(iii) the Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the DOGE Administrator, shall review each State’s publicly available voter registration list and available records concerning voter list maintenance activities”
this is so they’ll know where to send the brown shirts.
Remember if “police” show up at your door, but don’t identify themeselves or show a warrant and try to get inside, you are allowed to kill them in self-defense.
That’s a risky move, both physically and legally.
True, but so is invading someone’s home.
Put out the nice doormat.
If they’re local police, you will have to move. You will be endlessly harassed, in the best case. Out of state, federal, etc., I’m less certain about petty grudges. Good chance their aim is better than yours, though. Unless you’re a rooftop korean
Good bet it isn’t, but there will be a ton of them and they will just Swiss cheese your entire house and claim you were a gay Muslim trans terrorist after the fact, and the news media will believe them.
Good luck getting me while I’m on my rooftop and Korean
But if it does start happening more and more then fewer brown shirts will want to volunteer to go kidnap people
so they know which states, or districts to purge thier voter rolls.
I thought states were each responsible for their own election laws?
It’s all “State’s rights” with fascists until it’s more useful just to ignore and override them. You cannot trust what a fascist says, only what they do.
Guessing the Supreme Court ruling last year against Colorado undid all that. Since they ruled that states cannot make decisions that impact federal elections, it wouldn’t surprise me if the fed can now legally demand voter registration records or else refuse to count those votes.
Thanks, Trump.
Pointing out the hypocrisy doesn’t matter when they’re shameless wretches who don’t have values anyway
There’s overlap because of Federal Elections. You can have one set of rules for State / County / City level elections and another set for Federal.
Great. Now Big Balls knows my party affiliation.
This is exactly why I’ve registered as independent since Trump first showed up. Took a decade, but now we’re here…
I switched to repub on the form around that time. Fuck that, they aren’t going to get me because of that particular bullshit.
It’s basically public information anyways. Im surprised they didn’t think of it for this long.
If you register to vote in the US do you have to tell them who you’re likely to vote for?
Not usually. Some states require you to declare a party to vote in the primary. Some states just let you show up for a primary and say which one you want.
I don’t like this at all.
I made these comments as I was reading the Executive Order. If you skip the rest of my post, at least scroll down to the last quoted section. If my reading is right, it could have huge implications. However, IANAL.
Federal law, 52 U.S.C. 30121, prohibits foreign nationals from participating in Federal, State, or local elections by making any contributions or expenditures. But foreign nationals and non-governmental organizations have taken advantage of loopholes in the law’s interpretation, spending millions of dollars through conduit contributions and ballot-initiative-related expenditures. This type of foreign interference in our election process undermines the franchise and the right of American citizens to govern their Republic.
Looks like this follows the rule of “Every GOP accusation is projection”.
(d) The head of each Federal voter registration executive department or agency (agency) under the National Voter Registration Act, 52 U.S.C. 20506(a), shall assess citizenship prior to providing a Federal voter registration form to enrollees of public assistance programs.
This one is weird. Is this saying that those on public assistance programs get extra scrutiny if they’ll be allowed to vote?
(ii) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Election Assistance Commission shall take appropriate action to review and, if appropriate, re-certify voting systems under the new standards established under subsection (b)(i) of this section, and to rescind all previous certifications of voting equipment based on prior standards.
This one is divorced from reality. 180 days to make voting equipment comply with these new rules? Many voting districts are using older equipment because their limited funds. For any of the software based machines, 180 days barely defines the project requirements and assembles a team, much less the needed onboarding and execution of the change. What about mechanical voting machines? These could take years to design changes and implement them. The consequence if the machines (electronic or otherwise) aren’t updated? " and to rescind all previous certifications of voting equipment based on prior standard". Those machines are no longer eligible to be used in elections.
Sec. 8. Preventing Foreign Interference and Unlawful Use of Federal Funds. The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, shall prioritize enforcement of 52 U.S.C. 30121 and other appropriate laws to prevent foreign nationals from contributing or donating in United States elections. The Attorney General shall likewise prioritize enforcement of 31 U.S.C. 1352, which prohibits lobbying by organizations or entities that have received any Federal funds.
Woah! Talk about burying the lede. Receive federal funds and you lose your right to lobby or contribute to any political campaign? Wouldn’t that include every Fortune 1000 company, Elon Musk, and every single person that has received PPA loans or even FEMA relief?!
I would suspect that if the specially selected voting machine certification team doesn’t certify the equipment within 180 days there will be no valid way to collect votes from those districts. Too bad they only have time to certify the machines in ‘certain areas’
Source: paranoia
The Attorney General shall likewise prioritize enforcement of 31 U.S.C. 1352, which prohibits lobbying by organizations or entities that have received any Federal funds.
This is a WILD interpretation of 31 U.S.C. 1352 by whomever wrote this report. 31 U.S.C. 1352 is about using federal funds to influence contracting, not lobbying.
Here is the text: (1) None of the funds appropriated by any Act may be expended by the recipient of a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with any Federal action described in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(2) The prohibition in paragraph (1) of this subsection applies with respect to the following Federal actions:
(A) The awarding of any Federal contract.
(B) The making of any Federal grant.
© The making of any Federal loan.
(D) The entering into of any cooperative agreement.
(E) The extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Most of this is already public information. What a gross charade.
Wait, so we’re nationalizing voting laws, but eliminating departments? Why are we removing states’ rights to handle their own elections?
States’ Rights is soooo last century.
Unless someone rich can benefit, then “states’ rights!”
Time for some malicious compliance. Print the lists in yellow ink on slightly crumpled 11x14 pieces of paper. If possible, randomly switch font and text size between names. Oh, and don’t alphabetize or arrange anything in any way.
More than half of US states will eagerly comply, and personally thank him for the opportunity.
Also encrypt all documents with a 64bit randomized password before printing them and use differently sized pieces of paper to make it impossible to scan them.
Print out the alphabet at the top and, below that, a list of how many A’s, B’s, C’s and so on. Include IKEA-style instructions for assembly.
Seems like this has probably already happened, well before the election. It’s pretty amazing what’s publicly available.
Ok, but like… why isn’t he crossed off yet?
What’s interesting is that this information would be invaluable in identifying voter disenfranchisement efforts. If the US survives 4 more years, we’ll be set
makes it easier to purge, once doge sends it back to gop states,
My guy. They US is already done for. Why are you even entertaining this idea? How far back are you in this season?
Homie, the cry for freedom and liberty is timeless, no matter what season.
How many lists get sent with a list of BS names?
Uliqa Mabalz